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Delf body Type 2

Apr 30, 2006

    1. i don't know if anyone has made a thread discussing this yet, but i'd like to hear other opinions.. because i don't like it ;;

      i waaaas hoping to get some luts heads for future dolls, i had a sleeping el head all planned out for a souldoll body and now it's changed! i don't think it will still fit on a souldoll boy body T_T will they fit on ANY other body other than luts now? x_x

      i suppose it will be easier to take the heads off... but it really wasn't hard once you get the hang of it anyways ;;

      what do you guys think? D:

      heres the new head removal process if anyone is interested.. :(
    2. It's worrying me a touch becuase I was hoping to get a body for my Juri head, which I now don't think will fit becuase she has the old system... I guess I will have to get her a DD in white instead...

      Beyond that, I;m not sure.... it looks OK but I don;t know how fitting new heads onto other bodies will work...
    3. I've got a Souldoll body and a Sleeping El head (not on eachother), but I can say now the resin colour won't match at all. Thats the problem I had from day 1.

      Although Shou isn't Souldoll, his colour is identical to theirs, and this is what CP resin and Souldoll coloured resin looks like together. Doesn't work T.T

      In terms of fitting, I dont see why it wouldn't work. Same kind of system. You'd just be running risks of having a multicoloured boy ;;...
    4. Didn't Luts say dolls made with what is now the older body will still be made that way, though? I thought it sounded like all the dolls CP/Luts will release *in the future* will have the newer body/head thing [which is the exact same head system as what the Tans have, btw. it's wonderfully convenient and a lot easier if you're like me and like BEHEADING your dolls just to change eyes xD;]

      "We are planning to create all the dolls with this new type from now on.

      However the old type body will still be produced for the Delf who are in this type."

      yeah, i'm thinking we'll be safe (not sure what i'm doing with my own Juri, yet) and i doubt Luts will suddenly stop offering the "old" bodies as optional parts. unless there are any differences in the bodies THEMSELVES, it looks like the only (major) difference is how the head is attached-- the s-hook is *in the neck* instead of attached at the headcap, which i'm *thinking* is also true of Mini Fee..? (recalling a few people who have put Kid delf heads on Mini Fee bodies, and had to take off the funky top neck piece) So, really, even if optional bodies get this extra piece on top of the neck, you can just remove it and pull the s-hook to the headcap of the older molds. So old-on-new is do-able, but new heads on old bodies won't work because the s-hook won't have anything to hang onto without that extra piece!

      (i could probably convice my dad to help me switch Jay's head with Amarok's then, if anyone's interested..? There will be *obvious* non-matching resin, xD; but it'll help demonstrate what i'm trying to explain..)
    5. There are at least two threads about this that were started a few days ago...

      The word from Sean (I sent him an email asking about the "bod situation"-) is that the new bodies *are not* compatible with old-style heads. Likewise new heads *are not* compatible with old-style bodies. The difference is more than just the addition of a new neck connector in the head.

      However... The new head and body system is being released on their NEW Defls. Not on the older ones... So Lishe, El, Shiwoo and company are still old-style, at least for the time being.

      Also, the boy and girl bodies and heads listed on the "Optional Parts" page are still old-style. They haven't discontined the old bodies. You can still get them.
    6. Uhh okay, what does the BODY look like? Is the only thing that changed the neck part? Cause that's gotta be easy as hell to fix.

    7. As far as we know, the actual body itsel if unchanged- just the stringing mechanism because of the way it fits to the neck. However, the luts pictures don;t show how modified the neck actually is- only the way it attatches to the head...
    8. As I understand it, the body's neck has changed... 'Something about the shape of the top of the neck. People who ordered Moon should be able to tell us more as soon as they get him.

      I also suspect the neck diameter may have changed... They say that boy and girl heads and bodies will all be interchangable with the new system. With the old system they can be modded to work, but the neck diameters are very different.

      All in all... I'm sure the new bods and heads *can* be modded to work with old ones, but we don't know yet how extensive those mods will have to be. It's apparently more than just a matter of replacing the new neck piece with an s-hook.
    9. It's the same mechanism as the Mini Fee's so I know what it looks like from the inside, as I had a friend who had one. I honestly don't see how it would be hard to put an old head on there. It would take restringing, yes, but still O_o;;

      Personally I was hoping for a body that was a little taller or shorter, you know, actually DIFFERENT.. Now I'm disappointed :(
    10. Supposedly there's a "mature" boy body somewhere down the line, but who knows how long it'll be before we see it.
    11. well, i haven't seen the other threads discussing this, so i'm just gonna go ahead and continue here because i find it interesting. (assuming "new" body is *the same* as tans, which, it sounds, IT IS.)

      inside amo's head

      suspicious neck piece

      under said suspicious neck piece

      jay's neck in comparison

      conclusion-- amo's neck = more hollowed out. at the moment i fail to see why an old head couldn't work on a "new" body without the extra piece.

      as for neck circumference, i'm sure there's a difference, but i'm not gonna bother finding it because Amarok is *cough* shorter and over-all smaller than Jay, anyway (his fur wig has been hiding this fact but it's noticeable at the shoulders and other joints, when other joints are visible; plus i have things he fits quite fine when jay can *just barely* squeeze into them xD)


      ..and if you'll excuse me i have to choke down dinner and get my butt to Subway for six dollars an hour!
    12. I question whether the actual neck circumference will change or not. It doesn't need to, because the head will no longer rest on neck; it rests on the upper part of the mechanism. Until/unless new bodies are sculpted, I would guess that the only the mechanism and the heads will be changed to make boy and girl heads interchangeable, and the bodies will remain the same.
    13. Luts claimed the minifees and kid delfs weren't compatable, but they are. (although I think the kid delf heads are too big to look good on the minifees, they do fit and work fine) So I wouldn't take what they said as the final word.
    14. I'm hoping it's true that they'll still continue to produce the old body types! My poor Juri will need a body and I won't be able to get that until the end of May at least ^^;

      And Brightfires, did you say a mature male body??? I hope so!!!
    15. I think they will, and if there's a way to mod new-sytle bods and heads to be interchangable with the old... I'll be glad, because sooner or later somebody new is going to come along that I want. (I admit it. I like Moon... I'm just not sure I want him. :) )

      Or they'll finally get the mature male bod and I'll want one for Nightengale. ^_^ They mentioned doing one a few months back, but no one has seen any sign of it yet, AFAIK.
    16. I want a mature male bod for Shaun eventualy, though I will make do with th normal one for now... ^_^

      And Brightfires- I see Seimei finally arrived! Congrats!
    17. ditto, except i like how the kid delf heads looks on Mini fee xD

      i know! D: if i don't ever get my Juri a body, i know when I buy Miyu (the only other girl i *know* i want) i want to get the GIRL body for her instead of the mature one. D: i don't want old bodies discontinued! ;_;
    18. Whoever said it above is right on target. The old bodies will still be produced with the Els, Shiwoos, etc.. the dolls they've had in their line-up.

      Frankly, I would love to have a mature male body for my El head, but my question is whether it would be produced in the old style, new style, or (doubtful) both.
    19. While this doesn't affect me directly, as the only boy I will ever want on the mature body is going to be Moon when he is released in his general edition, it still kind of upsets me. It should be an easy fix to rig the old heads to fit the new body and vice versa, but people shouldn't have to deal with that, you know? There was no reason for this new system to be so exclusively non-compatable, when Luts should know well that some people prefer hybrids, etc. So yeah, I think it's a lousy deal, and I feel for those of you who are going to have to work around it.
    20. Poo.

      I really was wishing there was more to the new body then just the neck piece. CP has temporarily lost me as a doll customer due to the lack of function with their body sculpts. Don't get me wrong- I love the look of the CP body. I think it's probably the prettiest body sculpt out there, IMO. I just can't deal with the kicky leg, crumple-ly, fetal position thing all of my CP girls do. Even after suedeing, restringing, and wiring they still have problems.

      I really hope they work on some more issues with the old bodies in the future to make they more fun (and easier!) to play with.