1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Could you ever have just ONE BJD?

Dec 28, 2008

    1. When I first joined the obsession of BJD's I (quite naively) went
      searching for that ONE doll that I would Love so much, to the point
      of not wanting or even looking at/for any others.

      Needless to say my singular love did not last long, and in less than
      half a year I have been fortunate enough to acquire 7 bjd's with
      3 more on the way*_* (I miscounted the first time, if that's not a bad sign..lol)
      It made me wonder just how many people on DOA have just one
      doll, with no plans or wants of another?

      So my question to everyone reading this is:
      If you could only possess one of your dolls, could you choose?
      And what would be your reasons? Size, your first doll, a limited doll
      or sentimental love towards it because of who or how it came to be with

      If you can make a hypothetical choice (& it wouldn't hurt anyone's feeling's)
      pictures of your chosen one would be appreciated!

      (sorry if there is a similar thread, it was hard to sift through hundreds to make
    2. Eh.. I always thought one doll was just all I needed. But I've been saving up for one for two years until I finally was able to buy him in October [STILL waiting. *growls at DoD*] and I find myself being in a lucky situation where I acquire a head! Dear me!! Now I have another body I must get and I've been building a list during the past two years of dolls I need.

      I don't think I'd be able to choose. Not yet. especially since Im still waiting for my first full doll. And who was I was intending to be my first.
    3. I said JUST ONE when I bought it, Haha (DIM Danbi, hes an SD). And I really planned to stick to it, there aren't any dolls that scream BUY ME or anything, really. But after having him for a month or so I realized I'd be wanting a tiny, too, and since CH had their 50% off sale, I got it... but I know I'll never handle more than three, I cant afford it and I have no space or time or anything. I have my tiny coming in hopefully in february. The only doll left that I would get would be an SD13 girl, but that ones probably going to be a massive hybrid (euclase legs + beryl calves + soom girl body + a head I like).
    4. I currently only have one doll (my first) and, oh sure I have others I see that I want, but I was extremely lucky to get the one I have, so I can't push my luck so to speak. I am kind of saving up for another but I have more important things I have to save up for first then for another doll.

      Also if I had a whole doll family, I would probably choose to keep the one I simply like and bonded with the most. Oh sure limited ones are nice to own but that's not the only thing that matters to me.

      I've had my only boy for 9 months now and so far there's no new doll in sight... although you never know.. things might change. :)
    5. I'm still very new to BJDs and i can't really relate to just being satisfied by ONE. but I think my first would make me happy for a very long time. 8D
    6. Yushimi
      Thank you for your reply! You have a lot of patience waiting for your first doll, I hope he arrives soon;)
      It seems commonplace to have a doll wish list only to have it grow
      and grow before any of the first wants come home.
      I think the only way one would be safe is by sticking to one doll company:lol:

      While I was writing this to my happy surprise came more!
    7. Lula78 hahaha! I think thats happening to me... I always ALWAYS and ONLY visit the D.O.D website and whenever i see SSDs i somehow get terrified. in a way, feel chills down my back.

      See, when i was younger i never liked dolls as i usually associated them with clowns with i; with all my young 5 year old might; detested.
    8. xD If I stuck to DoD, life would be difficult: the wait would absolutely drive me into the ground.
      They ARE my favorite company though D:
      Ahh let me just get a body for my Juri B... let me.. just... purchase a body ;A;
    9. I never liked dolls as a child either, but I also never saw any like there
      are now!! I, along with most others really missed out. Now we must
      make up for it:lol:
    10. I suppose it would depend on the *reason* for needing to have only one... like if I needed the money I suppose I'd keep my least valuable one, if I had to "live in a cardboard box" I suppose I should keep only the smallest one... that sort of thing.

      Otherwise I'd never be able to do it!

    11. Dolls actually always scare me. But I'm trying to get over it because BJDs are just soooo gorgeous.
      I don't know. its like... I love Robots. But if I see a malfunctioning one or one without 'skin' then I get nervous. Its kinda like that. But I'm getting out of it... Slowly. ;A;
    12. I originally intended to only have ONE... and that lasted only a couple of months. :sweat I don't think I could choose just one of them to keep, either, since there's something I absolutely love about every one of them (or I wouldn't have bought them).

      I guess, though, even when I was just dreaming of BJDs, before I found the sculpts that appealed to me, I was idly thinking of more than one even then. Gabriel was always the one I absolutely wanted, but the others were there wanting to be made, too.
    13. I thought I was only going to have one doll. My fiance ordered me my first doll in early October, but it still hasn't even come in yet (it won't till mid-late January: 3.5 to 4 months!!!) I've been worn out from waiting so long that I purchased two dolls from the Custom House 50% off sale (couldn't resist, they were too cute). It will be strange if I get those dolls before my first doll.

      I think eventually when I have a good job and have more money, I'll probably buy more dolls - perhaps 1 or 2 more.
    14. I only have one so far, but that has to do with money issues only! I love the one I have but am desperately trying to save enough to order the second one, and have plans (characters that need to come to life) for SEVEN. If I was to win the lottery or something I would immediately place orders for those, plus probably a couple more! Riddick is awesome, but I cannot wait to have another for him to interact with. I can't really imagine only having one with no plans for another unless I had close friends who also had one.
    15. When I was a kid I recall being scared for some reason of a doll of mine and throwing something over it. I was worried that i might be bothered
      by a bjd because, well they are always looking at you or something!
      But I personally am only drawn to sweet looking faces...and they aren't scary.

      Back on topic though...if you had to choose one of your current dolls
      which one would it be and why?
    16. So sorry about your long wait!! But I think this is so common...it's
      not even funny...that the wait is so long you have to give in (when u can)
      to another doll!! Best wishes on their safe and quick arrival;)

      Those are good reasonings for how you would choose.
      If I was someplace bad, i might want my smallest doll (puki pipi) so it would
      be easily unseen. Along the lines of your cardboard box answer.
    17. For a long time I was happy with just one, but when I first fell in love with the hobby I fell in love with Too and Bee-A from DoD so even originally I never saw owning one as a possiblity. Now when I had no funds for another I was happy with Rhiannon, but I wanted another. I was too limited with just one. I view the dolls a lot like having kids in a way. I only have one she got spoiled rotten WAY more than the others have since they arrived. With more I'm forced to tone things down and think carefully before I make major purchases.
    18. I tried. I failed. I went for my second within a month of getting my first dream boy.
    19. Never could I have just one. It would be like having the only pie. Sure, you can have cherry pie 1 week, and blackberry the next by changing the filling(faceup)and maybe adding whip cream(clothes/etc.), but wouldn't it be great to have something a little different, like cake? Still in the pie family(ABJD) but just so that you aren't just eattng pie everyday, so limited on taste(dolly personality/facial expression, poses, etc.)? Just having pie is okay though, if you really love your pie or couldn't have cake.

      ........Did that make sense? O.o Hope so! :sweat

      If I had to keep only one....Dion, maybe. Or Sabriel.
    20. I COULD but it's a matter of not wanting to have only one. I'm quite happy with just Tima(ha ha I need to buy her more stuff XD) but I'm planning to get a couple new dolls in the new year anyway. It's not a matter of liking one sex of doll or mold or anything like that over another just that I'd ideally like to have one of each size to see which one I like best.