1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Successfully Own Only One?

Jan 1, 2008

    1. I'm just interested to know what kind of response I'm going to get.

      The question is: Is there anyone out there who has successfully only bought one BJD?

      I only want one, I don't see the point in having more than one. Two, maybe, as couples are cute, but no more than that. I'd much rather spoil the one I have to bits with tons of clothes, jewelry, and other things.

      Finding the model I wanted wasn't as hard as I thought. I'm very picky. Really, the only companies I like are Dream of Doll and BlueFairy. Dream of Doll was the first company I was introduced to. I fell in love with Yen at first, so I went looking around for other examples, and found I loved U more. Then Kirill came out. I liked him, but not as much as U. Afterward, the vampire version of Kirill came out and I was taken. I realized that it wasn't the head that I didn't like, it was the face-up. So I've purchased a Homme-Kirill. I have four outfits and three pairs of shoes waiting for him.

      Back on subject. I'm sure I'm not the only one [or at least I hope] but I want to see if it's humanly possible to only buy one BJD.

      EDIT: So, it's been almost a year since I originally posted this, and I, too, have failed at having one. My boy has a twin, who are both away now getting their faceups done so they can look like twins. However, I don't have any serious considerations for a third. I think I'm content with two, unless I win the lottery, to which I have a list that I might want. XD
    2. i have only one BJD. i was seriously considering getting three more actually, but after a while i figured it did not make to much sense to me.

      most people i meet have so many dolls, but i love my girl, and i am ok with making it all about her.
    3. I kind of started where you are.

      "One is enough, I can spoil it and it would be just fine :D"

      "Two might be cute, to keep the first company."


      "Wow, I like this doll too."

      "Well, seems like I have an extra head..."

      Right now I'm dealing with, "Planning for seven dolls isn't THAT bad, it's MUCH less than some people have! :D"

      I hope it ends there. ;~;

      So no, I've not been successful. xD
    4. I have no intention of owning only one doll. Since I'm most interested in doing photostories (I especially love big group photostories), that's my inspiration (erm, I guess that's what I'll call it) for planning to buy quite a few dolls. I also really like a few molds, sooo.... ^_____^

      I think for most people it's really hard to just buy one doll. From what I can tell, it can be a bit of an addiction XD (I'm already fairly obsessed and I don't even have my first doll yet).
    5. I just got mine, but I plan to only have one. I really, really have no desire to have another one. ... I think they are cute, and all that, but I wouldn't want it. And before I got her, I was figuring that I'd eventually get another so she wouldn't be "lonely"... but ... that really changed to, just her. ... Maybe in the future one more b/c of the lonely thing, but none after that. I'm picky too, and I also hate spending large amounts of money...
    6. I really hope I don't become one of those with a dozen dolls. xD I don't really like the photostories. I prefer just photoshoots.

      I'm obsessed, as my boy hasn't come yet and he has four outfits, three pairs of shoes, and a chair.

      Maaan, he's gonna be so spoiled.
    7. I had originally only intended to get one, but that did'nt last long because I enjoyed her so much I knew that I would start collecting some more. Of course, a boyfriend/companion for photoshoots was in the immediate plan, then a pet bonus came into the picture.

      Soon I found myself creating a storyline around the different doll characters and now find that I need another one to fill a role. I sincerely hope to stop at 5-6 dolls considering the cost. After I reach my limit and find I must have another, I will sell one of them to keep my collection small. I also like to spoil the ones I have, and too many would not allow me to do that. Plus, I don't
      have the space for them.
    8. I wasn't successful at it.XP

      I was like that at first- get my darling Asha and spoil her. No need to get another one. Sure, maybe a friend one day, that's it.

      Then I saw Namu and simply fell in love and brought him home. Then I had the chance to get a NaNuRi 07 that I always wanted, and now I got a chance to order in Chami as I wanted her.XD It's a cycle that gets moving after a while. It's almost like that Lays commercial- bet you can't just buy one!

      But the thing is, I feel happy with my growing bunch. I don't plan to have too many, since now I feel comfy in spoiling them. I have no problems in spoiling them all equally too. -shrugs-
    9. I only have one and plan to keep it that way, plus I'm sure he'd love for me to spoil ONLY him. I did consider getting others to keep him company, but no other mold seems to "catch me" for more than 2 months, besides he likes keeping to himself.. so I don't really see the point. n.n;
    10. At the moment, my thinking is I only need one. XD I at least need one, and it would keep me happy and I don't think I could ask for more. I having a feeling though, that I will want more. So maybe it'll get to the point of having 3.. O:
      I know I definitely wouldn't get tons of them, like I see a few people with. I think it kind of destroys the hobby aspect and gets more into a collecting thing. And that's no fun~ D: Having too many takes away from reeeaally appreciating and loving your "dream doll(s)".

      3 sounds like a good number.. the more I think about it. XD;;
    11. I felt the same way at first. I bought a CP El and thought, "He's going to be the only one..." But he came with an extra sleeping head, and being that it's really annoying to switch heads on LUTS Type 1 bodies, I thought I might as well get it a body, which turned into the twins that I have. And for a year, I didn't want another doll, and was adamant about it, until I saw CP Elf Chiwoo... -downfall- xD And now SDF Ethan.

      Unless I stopped looking at doll photos all together, I don't think I could have kept my collection at one. xD
    12. When I started, my intention was to only own one doll.

      That lasted, like, 5 months. :(
    13. I only have one doll and don't want any more. At all. I think I must be slightly odd! I only want Maud because as Volks say, she is my "other me". I couldn't have another other me!:lol: I respect that other people can but I couldn't keep up them all! Kudos to the owners who have armies of dolls all with individual backstories though! I am quite content just to look at all your beautifull dolls on DOA. Plus Maud's personality doesn't permit a partner, she is far more interested in intellectual distractions! She is a bit of a loner really. It's just me and Maud, that's all.:)
    14. When I first started this hobby, I'd planned to have only one, but now I have two with one more on the way. :sweat

      Generally how it goes with me is that there's the "favorite" doll that I would choose over the others. There have been stretches of time when I had only that one doll. But since he's an SD boy, I do like having a second doll that appeals to my interest in dolls of other sizes, styles, etc. So with the second doll I adopted a "one doll in, one doll out" policy because I know I can't handle a larger group. I guess I finally broke that rule with deciding to have three dolls.

      I think finding the right number of dolls for you is just part of the hobby, and there's nothing wrong with changing your plans (or sticking with them, for that matter).
    15. Nah, I wasn't very successful. It was sort of that way at first; I just wanted one, maybe two since I wanted to be able to buy both suits and petty, frilly dresses, but I guess I have too much of a collector's spirit or something. o_o I really do like the idea of having just one doll to pamper and have adventures with, but now that I have what I have I can't imagine parting with all of them except one.

      Well, I can but it wouldn't be too much fun. XP
    16. I only want.... two. Any more are like pipe dreams for me. One being Aleks, and the other is already kinda home- Dama. As in the head. :O

      I'm VERY adamant about not having more than 5, mostly because that would just feel excessive to me, especially since space is a luxury for me. I have a very small bedroom. *_*

      Besides, my life outside of the dolly hobby is expensive, anyways. I'm saving up for a PSP at the same time! (Uhm, maybe that's where my doll budget is getting redirected to...? Oops... :doh )
    17. I have seen a few people on DoA that have had only one doll for a long time, by choice. So, yes, people have successfully only had one doll. ^^ But it is extremely common to only want ONE doll to start with, so that you can spoil him/her with lots of clothes and attention. And of course, how expensive they are is another reason some people plan to have ony one.

      I was one of those people! I had only one doll for a year and a half, and she is still much-loved today. She is spoiled rotten with high quality eyes and wigs, and a boatload of perfect outfits. ^^ But then I got one more doll, and it was okay. I still loved her just as much, I just had another doll to start spoiling too that could be a friend for my first doll. :) And so on and so forth.

      Eep, sorry for the rambling! My point is that it helps to think in the long(ish) term. I only wanted one doll to start with, but that was five and a half years ago. I don't ever want to have a huge amount of dolls, but considering all the tinies that I like (I just don't see them the same as bigger dolls), I can see myself having 15 dolls someday. XD
    18. Really, I was only ever supposed to get three.

      I swear.

      Ten months from the first doll's arrival and I have eleven...*facepalm*

      It's an addiction. You will probably want to get Kirill a friend soon enough...or you'll be poking around the Marketplace just seeing what's out there and a poor dolly in the window will just leap out at you (that's how I've gotten half my dolls, augh) and plead to be bought...it's crazy. Crazy I tell you. O_____O

      So *shakes your hand* I wish you good luck in owning only one!
    19. I'm not even close. I buy all my dolls with my partner, so we started with two. The body count went up from there. :)
    20. I've never fooled myself thinking I'll keep it at only one. Mostly because I'd be bored with just one, and also because I like "group dynamics". Having more than one to play seems more fun for me. However, for those that DO find that one is enough, there's nothing wrong with that :) It's definitely doable, if you're that kind of person.