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Why are so many boy dolls so girly?

Aug 10, 2007

    1. Sorry if this topic's been done before, I didn't see anything on it when I looked.

      OK, my luts Chiwoo is always being mistaken for a girl even when in a short wig and generic boy clothing like jeans and T-shirt... and even more so when in historical costume.

      And really, in terms of face sculpts, there's very little choice for boys that actually look like boys when compared to the number of highly feminine looking ones.

      Volks SD16 is one of the exceptions, in my opinion. Even dressed camp he looks male.

      There are others, of course (and I'm not really talking abotu specific examples here - more comparing the numbers of them agaisnt the numbers of androgynous boys on the market), but to me it seems that there's comparatively little attempt made at face-sculpts that are definately male-looing without too far towards the gaunt/anorexic looks of the Bermann/Hound type dolls (which still have a marked tendency towards "pretty-boy" unless obvious male features like short hair and/or facal hair are added) or downright craggy like the Unidoll Ark

      Not, I should add, that I *object* to pretty boys, my Chiwoo is my first and favourite, but I do occasionally lament the shortage of choice when it comes to less androgynous boy dolls on the market.

      I think it's one of those market-forces (or percieved market-forces) things, the majority of companies don't think there's much of a market for male dolls that aren't pretty-boy types so don't bother with them.

      But is it an actual market force, or justone that is percieved by the companies?

      Or perhaps there are other reasons...?

      Is it harder to sculpt attractive boy faces that are obviously male, perhaps?

    2. I have a Unidoll Ark and he would never be mistaken for a girl.. but with my hound, my mom keeps thinking he's a pretty girl.. I think Unidoll UniReal dolls are the only ones so far that look masculine.. they need to make more.
    3. I think there is a market for mature looking guys, but after all these are dolls so they have sweet features. So its not really that the boys are girly, just dolly like ^^

    4. my yuki /bf kyle/ IS girly and my camine also will be. i love girly boys, maybe that's why :-) and they are gay too:-) i think it depends of the dol character how it looks like
    5. Yeah I love girly boys so really the bjd companies totally cater to my needs *pets her El's head lovingly*. Its all a matter of personal opinion though, if someone was to ask me about a manly looking bjd then the first molds that come to mind are Hound, Soo Ri and Bermann. I'm guessing that the market for 'manly-looking' (I'm kind of guessing at your definition of manly looking here because to me the previously mentioned molds I find about as manly looking as a real male personally) isn't very large or they are just starting to tap into that market now. Anyway I'm sure that if you are patient and keep an eye out you'll find that there will be some molds that suit your taste sooner or later! ^_^
    6. personally i find more androgenous boys attractive. If i'm getting a doll, i dont want one that screams testosterone. I dont need gross muscles, or overly angular faces either. And honestly, a lot of the boys look like boys to me. I'm not mentioning that i refuse to belive Dambi and Harang to be boys, but shh o.o;; ( was shocked when someone mentioned it here though i think the reason its hard to tell is the hair and clothing in the pics)

      I dont understand how the Hounds can be mistaken for girls at all o___O;; they look VERY masculine to me, and i think thats why i dont like them ^^;;

      also, i'm not sure about korea, but i know Japan has a bit of a female beauty complex. Look at jrock guys. a lot of them look very feminine (like my dad walking in, seeing posters and asking if they were really guys because she was very pretty) Heck, some of them even dress as girls (Mana from malic emizer, to point out one) its not uncommon for us to mistake a gender of an actual person, so i dont see why its odd that the dolls show similar androgeny. =D
    7. I think the companies see the desire and market for the androgynous boys, and so cater toward those.

      Many of them also base them off an 'anime' style, in which many of the guys are beautiful and slightly feminine.
    8. It's all in how you view them. I used to have my dorm desk area plastered with pics of anime characters and jrockers, then I would challenge people who came by to 'find the female'. If I remember right, in the two years I was doing this only one person actually picked her correctly. Yet none of the guys actually looked feminine to me, even people like Mana and Izam.

      As far as the actual molds, my guess is it comes from universal appeal. More people overall prefer to look at more 'feminine' aspected features, whether on male or female body. And, as you get away from the more feminine aspect, people are much more divided on what is considered attractive, both at the cultural and the individual level. Not saying these divisions aren't there for the female face, but they aren't as firmly entrenched. And, more androgynous heads give people the option of changing the dolls gender, and I know I've seen several people comment they just don't want any dolls of one of the genders.

      And I'll admit, I'm much more drawn to the androgynous molds than distinctly feminine or masculine, though the only place I'm considering changing a head's default gender is for one of a twin pair.
    9. Lots of people like feminine boys. I don't, especially, but I seem to be in the minority.
    10. You can find many discussion abouy girl boy dolls :)...

      Grab the average asian male pop singer and tell me you don't think he's pretty... =D I think these dolls were made in the asian aesthetic. With asian cultural influences. So it's not suprising that standard male dollies are pretty boys.

      There are still some beefy, manly men though... but for the most part... for me personally... if I wanted a G.I. Joe I'd not be playing with bjds ^^...
    11. I agree. I'm Asian and play Asian online games... But when my bf or friends(all American) see those they say it's g-word. Asians don't necceraly think that way... Sure, they like manly men too, but it is really just difference of culture. And it is easy to think/do BL and Yaoi in that way too...
    12. Like other people have said, just look at male characters in anime, the more they are considered handsome the girlier they are... or jrockers even... and you'll see why :lol:

      But there are a few boys out there that look masculine, the more realistic sculpts I guess, the one's that are more "doll like" are girly but that seems to be popular otherwise they wouldn't make them ;) (I know I like them)
    13. All of my boys are mistaken for girls, then again I suppose my wig choice doesn't help XD But I also think it's their mold and figure. Even when I have a short boyish wig on Kyle and he's in boy clothes he is still mistaken for a girl. His faceup probably doesn't help that either but still '''>> It's just how pretty the and femmy like their figure and everything is. And well how you dress them ^^;
    14. Personally, I like my boys - real life or resin - to be pretty. It's probably why my first boyfriend is now transgendered and makes a better girl than I ever have - I like the pretty ones.

      I think if I'd wanted a big strong, muscly doll, I would have gone looking for an action figure and their ridiculously exaggerated muscle molds. I like my dolls - and my men - to be delicate and pretty, so the fact that they're not really masculine isn't a problem for me.
    15. If you're looking for manly boys aside from Volks SD16 Yukinojo Sawaragi, Iple House Aaron looks pretty masculine. He has a slim body but I think it would be very hard to mistake his facial features for a female. You could also try Bishonen House's new doll sculpt:

    16. Haha. That bugs me too some times. I like the fact that many male dolls are able to be both genders. But I tend to like more boyish but still pretty molds.

      As for Chiwoo, I think it has to do with the face up. His face is very innocent, but I've seen very masculine ones.

    17. I'm another one who is probably in the minority, because I really like the "definitely male" ones. I have a Uni Ark and wouldn't trade him for anything, and my previous male dolls, Elf Yder male twins, are going to someday be put on female bodies because they're just so girly looking. I can certainly appreciate the girly ones and find many of them stunning, but they're not the ones on my wishlist anymore. The one exception in my collection, my Angelregion Tan Ren, is a largely a crossdresser, so he's supposed to look girly as a character choice.

      Just because a male doll is "manly" doesn't mean he can't be good-looking or even pretty if done in a certain way. There's nothing GI Joe about my Ark, unless there are a lot of long-haird elven GI Joe's out there that I've mangaged to miss (and now must find!).

      I think Unidoll, Iplehouse and Bishonen House each have multiple dolls that could be called "manly."
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    18. While I enjoy a waify girlie boy doll as much as the next fangirl, I am continually frustrated by the lack of variety in the boy dolls. ): The girls range from cute, sweet and innocent to sex goddess and have multiple choices for everything in between. The boys are just mostly... Bishionen. I'm after a doll to be a character who is a *man* and am having trouble finding any dolls I can see as 20 year old + men. (not boys....) And I don't mean just the face or just the body; I need a muscled, legionaire! @.@

      It's difficult, and frustrating and I wish there were more, non limited, options available. (My wallet, on the other hand, is most pleased that this doll does not exist in any way that I could possibly afford him. XD)
    19. For me, I like my boy to be good looking, but he's not going to be a girly boy, or gay. I really don't like the whole, get a boy sculpt and dress him up in girls clothes (to the point where he's wearing girly mini skirts and stuff and you look at him and your like, "Oh, that's...a boy er...". That's just not for me. My first doll is an El, yes he is a pretty boy, but he's going to be dressing in boy clothes.
      To answer why are so many boy dolls girly; I think they answered it up there about how since BJDs are asian, it's cultural I guess. You see most asian guys and they have an essense to them, not feminine or anything but it's just different. ^_^
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