1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Art Delf Lupinus Lishe & Perennis Lishe

Dec 6, 2006

    1. What a lishe boy???

      Thanks a bunch!
    3. Yes, yes!! I wanted to see this thread!! I tried to search this thread by myself yesterday, but I couldn't find.
      Aww, thank you very much!! I fell in love with 'PERENNIS LISHE' Limited when I saw this thread :D

      And oh, I didn't notice 'LUPINUS LISHE' Limited was a boy :sweat

      Thank you very much, dear Sikona :fangirl:
    4. NEW LISHE DELF ART~ They have her as a boy and girl!



      I can't wait to see more pictures. :aheartbea

    5. I posted my comment this morning, but it had gone somewhere :? So I post same comment again~.

      Yes, yes!! I wanted to see this thread!! Thank you very much, Sikona :fangirl:
      When I saw this thread, I felt "Wow, what a beautiful Lishe she is!!! :aheartbea " and fell in love with her. I wish I could get her...*sigh*

      And I didn't notice 'LUPINUS LISHE' was a man! They are awesome :love
    6. I've always had eyes on Lishe as a potential sibling for my El, and this thread really tempts me!! But my wallet just died from paying for Ryung and the recuperation time will be long, so... *sigh* Back to saving again~

      They're very beautiful still~ xD I can't wait to see LUTS's official pictures and owner photos of them too.

      Thank you for sharing the links, Sikona!
    7. That's when I remembered those pictures that I had the idea of a Lishe boy for my Santeria! :D I can't wait to see more pics of them!
    8. Colour pictures came... *sigh* I love Luts...Luts kills me *_*
    9. *praying on everything holy that it's a high limited number but knows it's probably not*

      :doh This is about the time I wish money grew on trees, or I at least made more.
    10. The colour pics are up with all the pictures of the details...I love P. Lishe's outfit O.o I wanting!
    11. for those who can't see it off the Luts site:


      I'll upload a file for those who can't see Photobucket either in a bit
    12. Oh god. Oh god. Lupinus Lishe. I'm going to be stalking my computer tomorrow. *A*

      ..Anyone else gonna try?

    13. Me :DDD <33

      They look wonderful!
    14. Oh, you. :D FIGHT YOU FOR 'EM. :aheartbea
    15. Yesh, how can we tell which one is a boy & which is a girl in those first pix? From the shoulders up, they both look like two-ways to me. XD Purty, though, very pretty.

      The one head there looks like a recycled Nanuri.

      Faaaaa~bulous costumes!
    16. I think I officially want a boy lishe now >_<
    17. The short one with squinty eyes is the She-Lishe.
    18. Limited to 5 sets world wide.... lol, good luck (those of you who will attempt to get one) It would be nice to see some on the boards
    19. I like the girl Lishe myself XD her outfit is awesome!
    20. ...can criticism be made on this thread? *meeps*

      Lupinus Lishe bothers me a little...I can't tell if it's the eye-shadow that looks too much like he hasn't slept in a week or the fact that his eyes don't look very alive to me, but agreed that Lishes can make perfect boys XD.

      Perennis Lishe on the other hand is really gorgeous. I need to get rid of my obssession with dreamy heads omg *dies*