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Character Creation: What-Race, Nationality or Species is your doll? Pt. 2!

Apr 28, 2012

    1. So I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I've decided that not all of my human looking dolls will be human. So I was wondering if other owners classed their dolls as a different species and if so, what as?

      If you have dolls that look human but aren't, what species are they?

      There are obvious species like elves, demons, vampires etc, but have you ever discovered an obscure species to use for one of your dolls?

      Have you ever created a species of your own?

      If not, would you ever consider it?
    2. My doll is supposed to be a zombie or Frankenstein's Monster of some sort. Needless to say, I am having difficulties with the storyline, so mods will have to wait.:|
      I saw dolls that were selkies and succubi!
    3. There's a LOT of people who create their own species or use another.
      All my dolls look mostly human, but I use a lot of 'species' from lore and myths and such. I have a banshee, leannan sidhe and a dryad. And that's the most human looking ones.
      Other than that I have dolls that have obvious characteristics. I have a half elf, two fauns, two flower people (don't really have a name for what they are yet) and an octopus merman.
      I really really really don't care for human dolls. But then again, I don't particularly care for humans to begin with.
      I would have liked to create my own species, but I am too fickle and I would change their 'rules' too often and I would get annoyed with myself.
      My flower people don't have a name yet, so I can take advantage of that, but it's not as if I thought of the idea (sadly) because the company I got them from had made them that way. So it will never be my original idea.
      • x 1
    4. I have a doll thats and elf, and one thats comming in who I plan on being a Demi-god.
    5. I have an Iplehouse JID Benny who is an Eshu from the White Wolf/World of Darkness game Changeling: the Dreaming. I also have an Iplehouse YID Dk Aaron who is her big brother. While he isn't a full Changeling, he is kinain.
    6. All my dolls are characters from the novels I write and only one of the 18 I have is fully human. I have....
      Demons (full Incubus & 1/3 Incubus, 1/3 Dahal, 1/3 human)
      Half-gargoyle, half-demon
      Laiokian (created species of mine)
      Kith (created species of mine)
      Awh'anise (created species of mine)
      1/2 Naemo, 1/2 Vylfian (created species of mine)
      Xsayarsian (created species of mine)
      1/2 Awh'anise 1/2 Tmaawerr (created species of mine)
      There's also some children in my group that further mix and mingle the species.
    7. Oh~ you're touching one of my favourite subjects! xD Since my friend and I have an elaborate doll universe, not all our dolls are humans as well! I tend to draw inspiration from actual folklore (I've studied elves, goblins and the fair folk extensively for years now) but there are certainly species we made up ourselves.

      Ellysian (Fae) and Ellysian (Nefarian) -made up species that resemble elves/dark elves but are otherwise a made-up race
      Tora youkai (tiger/shape-shifting demon)
      Baku (Yumekui) (dream-eating demon)
      Changelling (parasitic made-up demon species that picks a human host and invades their consciousness)
      Devil (high-ranked demon)
      Kresnik (type of a vampire species)
      Spirit Deer (woodland fairy creature)
      Flowerborn (made up race of tiny people born of flowers)
      God (of nature and everything natural)
    8. Wow, some interesting and detailed answers, thanks so much and keep 'em coming ^^
    9. My made up version of the universe is full of different humanoids, species and creatures. I love finding new ones to bring into my stories.

      What I have so far:
      The Origin - Said to be the oldest of humanoids to ever develop. On top of their hierarchy are the Elite and Sharp teeth.
      People of the Frost - Very similar to earthlings but from a planet very far away.
      The Storm born - Sworn enemies to the People of the Frost.
      Cat/human - Created by other humanoids. Not many of them exist.
      Bird/human - Again created.
      Mechanical or half mechanical humanoids - Different kinds of cyborg, persocoms and robots all over. Everything from the huge cyborgs that are advisers to The Origin people to the tiny butterfly fairy like androids that take care of the flowers and plants of Ganymede.
      Zyndhers - A race with vampire like behaviour and features.
      Satyrs - They are not really satyrs but more of a satyr like race. Don't have a name for them yet.

      Many of them cross breed with many curious results. I am sure more of them will fill this world.

      Oh, forgot to add that most of these I made up myself. Of course with the exception of classic things such as anthros and robot/cyborgs etc.
    10. Some of my dolls have human looks, but few are actually human.
      I have a:
      Elf (Haplo: my dollshe saint, he does have modded elf ears)
      A dark angel (Cychwynn: my Iplehouse Tatiana)
      A ghost (Josephine: my Dollzone/AOD hybrid)
      A fire demon (Aithne: my Littlefee Ante).

      Have you ever created a species of your own?
      Does my Steampunk powered androide butler count? ( Sentinial: my Migidoll/Buddydoll hybrid)
    11. If you have dolls that look human but aren't, what species are they?

      Yes. I have a Japanese god, a kitsune, an angel, three genetically manipulated superchildren, and five mages who get their magical abilities from extradimensional alien genes :sweat.

      There are obvious species like elves, demons, vampires etc, but have you ever discovered an obscure species to use for one of your dolls?

      Not at this point. Everybody comes from ideas pretty commonly used in SFF/in BJDs.

      Have you ever created a species of your own?

      With dolls? No.

      If not, would you ever consider it?

      Sure, if I wanted to write a story about a different species.
    12. I would be interested in hearing about what kind of doll makeup, modding or special presentations people have done to their dolls to show these special characters or species on obviously human-base resin forms. (Soom monthlies and hybrids aside, of course!)
    13. All my current residents are from my trilogy-in-progress set on another world, so none of them are technically human. I also have a tiny on order who I intend to be a winged chimera and his hooved "twin" to keep him company (they'll have no relation to the others).
      In theory I'm supposed to add "Gem-Marks" to most of my dolls, but... well... I'm lazy.

      Things get complicated as they start interbreeding, but the original five races brought to or created on Irisan are:

      Kemiri - ('people of light'), the least genetically-altered and most human appearing race, rescued from a dying planet called Mdesmar. Their special ability is creating heat/light from the gem-marks on their hands and feet. [Most of my dolls are of course in this category.]

      Tiraan - (Dira'anar or 'we who carry'), a nomadic race with horns, tails, and often green hair/fur, who primarily live in the Akosa forest/labyrinth regions. Their ability is 'silent' communication with each other through the gem-marks on their horns.

      Saerol - (Saesu-Orul or 'water gem,' known to themselves as 'The Hunters of the Ancient Song'), an oceanic race with various gray tones of armor, brought over from a watery planet known as Avéhandel. Besides breathing water, their special ability is stunning creatures with an electric jolt from the gem-marks at the tips of their long, barbed (scorpion-like) tails. [I don't actually have any Saerol dolls yet, but hope to eventually.]

      Lahr'a - (Lahre-Ama or 'wind-born,' known to themselves as Atren'lesheyu, 'blessed of the sky'), a race with a thick coat of microscopic pure-white fur all over to protect them from UV at high altitudes, prehensile tails, large triangular (bat-like) ears, and garishly bright hair. The gem-marks on their hips, chests, and backs allow them to fly by negating/modifying gravity. [Also none of these presently, but the tail would be the only issue.]

      Dasarian - (Das Areant or 'to serve the gods'), a race born with lavender skin, feathery antenna, and various shades of blue/white hair whose special ability is to adopt genetic characteristics from other species through the gem-marks embedded inside their chests (not visible). [I haven't worked that out exactly, but they have to consume some DNA-containing part of the species in question. After they have incorporated something as their own, however, they can switch back to it at will.]

      I could tell you a hell of a lot more about them all, but...
    14. I love deconstructing and reconstructing old bits of folklore or putting a new spin on typical Hollywood monsters! None of my dolls are human and one of my favourite things to do is read books and articles about the supernatural to gain ideas for characters. So far I have:

      Two witches, both male. One is a creative witch who can resurrect the dead, the other a destructive witch who can kill people.
      A zombie. My zombie is not the Hollywood, Dawn-of-the-Dead type zombie, but corresponds more to what zombies in Haitian Voodoo are actually like (and yes, they really do exist! My zombie is based on a real person!)
      A cyborg. Mine isn't steampunk so much as digital :D He created his bionic parts himself and inserted them into his own body, thanks to his extensive knowledge of human anatomy and his love of scalpels.
      A ghoul. He's basically an animated corpse that feeds on other corpses. Felix does quite a bit more to them than that. He also loves rum and his pipe.
      A selkie. Selkies are seals that can turn into humans, and my favourite mythological creature. They come from Orkney folklore. My selkie is still very seal-ish. He loves fish, isn't entirely toilet-trained, and, like all selkies, can cause storms when he's upset.
      A Frankenstein's monster. He's basically a chimera of several different species to create the perfect experiment specimen. Those species are: two different humans, a sea-slug, a sponge, and a frog.
      A vampire. Vampires are very clichéd, but I still like them. Mine goes back to older vampire legends. He's not deathly pale but rather sanguine, and has to count everything in his path before he can proceed. He can't enter houses uninvited, and, unless he shaves, has hairy palms. Sexy.

      I'm also planning:
      A werewolf.
      A demon.
      A ghost.
      A revenant.
      And the tooth fairy​!
    15. If you have dolls that look human but aren't, what species are they?
      Yes; Nebel has other forms but stays in his more human looking one. He is an ice & fog Nephilim*.

      There are obvious species like elves, demons, vampires etc, but have you ever discovered an obscure species to use for one of your dolls?
      Yes, as a base anyways.

      Have you ever created a species of your own?
      Yes, two actually.*

      If not, would you ever consider it?

      *Please see: Scath, The World of Shadow
    16. Oooh yes, I'd like that also =3

      What's that? I have a thing for werewolves! And I'd like to see the tooth fairy one!

      Thanks for all the replies guys! You're giving me some good ideas!
    17. If you have dolls that look human but aren't, what species are they?

      *Desert elves [2]
      *Chiaera (red elves, a race of my sister's and my creation) [2]
      *Half-desert elf/half-Chiaera [3]
      *Nymph and half-Nymph [1 of each]
      *Angel [1]
      *Shapeshifter [1]
      *Imaginary friend [1]

      There are obvious species like elves, demons, vampires etc, but have you ever discovered an obscure species to use for one of your dolls?

      Does gargoyle count? I've got one of those in the works. I also have a cursed angel troll-critter. XD

      Have you ever created a species of your own?

      My sister and I created the Chiaera race (or division of an existing race?).
    18. A revenant is a corpse that comes back to life to exact revenge on someone, usually the person who killed them. Mine is the corpse of Matilda Wormwood, come back to kill Miss Trunchball. Mwahaha.

      Thanks, I'm excited about the tooth fairy too! He's going to be a tiny Russian gangster. Hehehe.
    19. I'm not sure I have any dolls that are actually human >.<

      6 Vampires (then others if you count various versions of the same characters)
      10 Angels of various species
      2 going on 3 witches
      1 Half human half demon
      1 Half elf half troll
      1 half kangaroo rat half pixie
      1 fairy with no wings

      I have a bunch of human looking dolls I turned into bunnies by adding ears, and the rest all have animal parts that came with them. No humans to be found in the group! XD
    20. I love Gargoyles Eldurwen and I'm making my own Fae division too, still struggling for a name though XD

      Ohhh, I thought I recognised the name, that's interesting Elle. I used to love Roald Dahl when I was a kid xD

      I'm not sure if I will have any human characters/dolls either actually Angel XD