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If it does not fit (Shoes) you must. . . Re-shape the feet?. . .Anybody?

Mar 15, 2012

    1. As I spent time resculpting feet again today, couldn't help but wonder if that's anyone else's answer to problem bjd feet. This day the problem feet were on an AOD msd whose feet are a bit longer, somewhat 'taller' and some wider than many of the msd shoes. The bjd footwear selection is fab and my girls want to choose their favs. For me resculpting the doll foot is the solution. So my question is---Do you cut/reshape difficult size bjd feet?

      footnote: I would disclose the mod if selling and would not do the mod to a pricey bjd or a limited bjd. This bjd's mod was prompted by reading many people having difficulty with shoes for the AOD msd.
    2. I'd be hesitant to alter the doll itself, but that's because I've never done it and would most likely mess it up terribly. I would seek out a BJD custom cobbler and see if they could create a pair in the style of the shoes I liked, although I'm not sure if that would be considered copywrite infringement.
    3. I've thought about it, but haven't actually done so. But then...the issue with MOST of my dolls in finding shoes that fit is that their feet are too small for most 'standard' MSD sized shoes...and I don't want to try and make them small enough to fit into the next 'standard' size down, as that would be way too tiny! OF course...if I wound up with a doll whose feet were just a little too BIG to fit the 'standard' shoes for their size, I'd probably have no issues doing some re-sculpting so they'd fit better.
    4. Yep. I'm quite gung-ho about modding and I've modded my doll's feet to fit into a specific pair of shoes I liked for him. It's not even as if his feet are an odd shape or size- it was just that this specific pair were quite difficult to put on. So I modded his heels to make life easier. It hasn't affected his posing in anyway.
    5. I have sanded down certain parts of dolls' feet to get them to fit into 'standard' size shoes. There's nothing wrong with doing that, as long as you understand that it may lower the resale value for that doll (if you ever plan to sell it). However, my preferred solution to the problem is to get an extra pair of feet from a different company - feet that DO fit the standard size shoes! Sometimes you have to do a little modding to the new feet - not all dolly feet attach the same way. My 2 SD girls on DIM bodies have BIIIIIG default feet - but I managed to find a couple pairs of SOOM Supergem high heel feet on the Marketplace for relatively cheap. I did have to mod the hook on the top of the feet to work with the DIM body - and the resin match isn't the greatest - but it works for me!
    6. Excellent and really glad to hear it!!! Me too---I've taken a bit off the back of the heels of my ShinyDoll Thaasa I bodies so they can wear many msd shoes. Obviously, many SD shoes are large for those girls, but the answer for that is insoles & tissue in the toes. Isn't it wonderful how the bjd kids never complain about how their shoes feel? giggle

      RedDelerium you're totally right---I'd definitely tell of a foot mod when selling. Nice though, not to have to worry about resin matching.
    7. The dolls don't complain if the shoes are a bit too small, and cotton fixes the ones that are too large (atleast it does on my girl.) I'd be Really leary about altering the doll, maybe buy extra feet?
    8. There are already so many companies producing shoes, that I think I'd rather look more than alther my dolls' feet. :)
    9. Yeah, if I was really desperate, I'd get either another pair of feet (either from the same company or from a similar resin matching company) and mod the heck out of the second pair. That solves the shoe problem AND the resell value :3

      Well, I say desperate, I mean when I finally get round to it (is a lazy bum!).
    10. I would definitely mod the feet slightly to get them to fit standard shoes. I have only done this to one of my dolls (a tiny Limhwa Sara), but would do it again if necessary, or buy matching feet from another company. I didn't drastically mod Sara's feet, just sanded a strange ridge off the back of the heel and made the toes a little more round on the end.
    11. I've had an AoD with the same issue, but I just went for bigger shoes. :P I personally don't like small feet, so would never sand them down. if it really bothered me, I'd probably buy another brand of feet and swap them out before modding, but that's just me. :) (I've actually bought BIGGER hands because I can't stand small hands and feet, even if it makes clothing/shoes difficult) There is certainly nothing wrong with modding a doll if that's what you want to do!