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Dream of Doll DoT Girl U-i Discussion

Jun 7, 2010

    1. I'd finally decided on my list order and they go and do this to me whhhyyyy DOD.
      She's really neat. I love the ears and the outfit rocks. I agree she has a very boyish face sculpt, very versitile.
      This explains why they were so cagey about my enquiry on more DOT girl outfits lol
      I wonder if the props will be available ;-P
    2. She really look like twin sister of Ducan with more roundish face... Oh come on DOD you're making my wallet cry :P
    3. That's it! I was just thinking about 'who's the brother of this girl???' and then I saw your comment :)
      A cute version of Ducan with elf ears! OMG! I have to keep telling myself I don't need another doll....DOD you're too bad!
    4. Shes really cute!
    5. She's beautiful. The moment I saw her I thought "Ducan" too. :XD:
    6. She actually reminds me of the female elf version of the event head, but with more tender eyes and of course the elf ears. I am not fond of the event head mold but she is indeed pretty.
    7. She looks like the sexy female elf version of Ducan. xD Love her already!
    8. At first i thought elf version of tender E-an, but now that ive looked at all the pictures she do remind me more of the event head and Ducan.
    9. She's totally Ducan's sister. Also, just noticed that both she and Ducan bear a striking resemblance to Impldoll's Christopher.


      I already wanted Impldoll's Christopher... but the temptation to get an U-i and make them sisters is hard to resist! And throw in a Ducan in there and you've got the perfect trio of troublesome siblings! Though, uh, guess poor Ducan isn't available as an elf anymore... so he's the odd one out. :(
    10. Kinda hope U-i has the same head option as Petsha. she has Homme and Elf version options.
    11. When I compare the elf Ducan and U-i they're SO TOTALLY LOOK A LIKE! Of course there are still differences... U-i got more rounder/smaller face, more sleepyness/tenderness eyes and less pointy nose than Ducan. She got also more pouty lips and of course the elf ears are also different, Here's the comparison photo


      definitely they're like Sha and Shall... :P
    12. I'm so totally smitten. My only wish is that they offered her as a human as well. >.< But I am still putting her on my wishlist. I usually go for boys, but I like her as a girl. SO happy she isn't a limited. I'm getting tired of all the summer limiteds and not enough money to buy them.
    13. She really does look like Ducan - the female version? :/
      But I like her, maybe I will order her someday, let's see ^^
      But it's great that she's an elf but is still a basic doll (I hope) :D
    14. It seams like DOD is taking their heads, sanding here... some sculping there... and they sell it as a "New head sculpt".
      Seriously u_u'' if I wanted a female Ducan I could have bought it long ago -__-'

      The only "good thing" at this is that we can have elves Ducan/U-i whenever we want? (they say it's basic, but who knows if they'll become sold out...)

      Anyway... I would be glad seing some really new things from DOD ... I'm sick of rip offs ._.
      Maybe some other DOB... what about the rest of the zodiac?
    15. I am glad I am not the only person who thought that.
      They make some beautiful sculpts but lately there hasn't been anything "new" per se. They are all starting to look really similar...

      Ya, how about doing more of the DoB? They were cute and distinctive sculpts and I know they can make pretty dolls that are exciting to look at!
    16. Ohh dear. A female Elf Ducan. Sorta. Though I don't care about the 'female' part.

      Admittedly I just want the head and their newest male body. That would be me sold.
      If anyone would ever consider a split where I could get just her head, I would be so, so grateful....Probably too poor for it, but darn it, I'd try.
    17. I definitely see the resemblance between her and Ducan, but the lips remind me of my Dream head from them.
      She's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm glad to see they're making more pretty/badass girls instead of the Codes. xD
      Things were getting too manly for me. xD

      She's definitely my favorite female from DOD now.
    18. I second this. What's even more appealing is that look in her eye--that sort of cocky, brash, what-the-hell-are-you-looking-at kind of look.