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The first day and the last day of sized Shinydoll Mini production.

Nov 5, 2009

    1. Hi, everyone. I hope you enjoy the first day and the last day of BJD production.:sweat
      detail(diary) of development here..:aheartbea

      The first day.. .................................................................and now..

      She is not strung now, as ShinyDOLL's super strong rubber string might give damages to original sculpt, covered surfacer layer.
      Three new heads also appeared for Fragille and Pricco bodies.
      Eventually, Pricco heads and Fragille heads became compatible.
      First head is HIKALI[hi-ka-li], younger sister of AKALI.
      Seconde head is SHIOLI[∫i-o-li], elder sister of KAOLI and SAOLI.
      Third head is SUZUNE[su-zu-ne]. Anime type head.
      It might be fun to see these heads, casted, painted, and connected to super posable Fragille body.

      Thank you very much for watching the thread for two months.

      Fragille lying on the floor.

      Photos while development.

    2. Kayjay-san, qeen_margaret_anne-san, Thank you. I might make new head for the body. But actually Pricco heads fits nice. Both are 7inch heads.
      babytarragon-san, LylacForFirstLove-san,renee_chan-san,NY_Kitty-san,Stella Maris-san,LottaKalott-san, Thank you for watching. I would like to continue reporting until completion. ^^
    3. I was puzzling over those too! I guess we just have to wait until they are put together ^^

      I think Doi-san's approach to sculpting is very different from other doll makers due to the fact that his day job is engineering. I think other doll makers would simply sculpt a body and then cut it up and put joints in. Doi-san concentrates on getting the joints working perfectly before anything else. It's a different approach but I think it works best.
    4. OhhohhO, babytarragon-san,
      You already wrote what I would like to.... ^^ Thank you.
      LilacForFirstLove-san, Yes my way is not standard way at all. But I hope you enjoy it. ^^

      EDIT: if I were to add...
      My developing way is do the sculpt and joint design pararel or alternatelly.
      Whichever can not go first.
      The harmony of sculpt and joint function is very much important.
      I avoided cray in this divelopment, as it needs days to be hard, and a little bit soft to have mechanical function.
      Resin block is hard enough, and polyestel putty needs only 5 minutes to be hard. It's nice for me. ^^
    5. babytarragon-san,
      I am happy you are enjoying the progress. ^^
      "watching something personal"??? Is it like peeping??
      I wonder if the word "Fragille" sounds peculier for osidental language speakers?
      I pronounce it like a french word.
    6. Madam Anna - I think I understand now. Sometimes I have a tendency to not sound too friendly online... I try my best to make sure people understand my intent. I am happy that you were not bothered by me, and also happy that you apologized, even though it wasn't necessary.

      babytarragon - Did I? I'm glad to have said it, now.

      Shin-san, you said on the webpage that leg joints, legs and ankle joints should be constructed at the same time. Does this help with making sure they all flow? And by leg joints, do you mean where the legs connect to the hips, or the joint at the knee, or both? I am fascinated by this process and I am really glad to be able to see it. It is so great that you are willing to share it with us.
    7. LilacForFirstLove-san,
      I am so sorry, I shoud have write knee-joint instead of leg-joint.
      I think shinydoll-girl should have ideal legs. That means R&L knee(joint) and R&L ancle(joint) should touch each other at the same time. To accomplish it, (1)connecting of knee joints and leg,(2)connecting of ancle joint( or feet) and legs, and (3)sculpting of leg itself should be done at the sametime.
      I hope my English is explaining the right meaning. ^^);
    8. LilacForFirstLove-san,
      Yes, it's very complicated even for me. I am afraid of missing the order to do. haha...

      bridget -san,
      Thank you for watching fragille, and for loving Nanae.

      As you are french, i would very much like to ask you.
      I am afraid if the word "fragille" sounds something peculior??:doh
      It's fragile plus fille in my brain.:sweat:sweat:sweat
      I hope you do not mind my asking..:shudder:shudder:shudder:shudder:shudder
    9. excuse me, I don't understand "peculior" :sweat
      we can pronounce "fragille" like that: "fragi" (in french "gi" pronounce ""ji") and "ille" like "fille" (like "iye" in english)=== sounds "frajiye"
      I hope I helped.
    10. Bridget-san,
      Thank you for your comments. ^^
      I probably miss spelt it. EDIT: Oh yes it's "peculiar".
      I was imagining "odd","funny","non-smart","STRANGE" etc..

      Yes, i am pronouncing "frajiye". ^^);
      I tried to learn French three times in my life, and gave up three times. ^^);
      They were , when I was 14 years old, when I was university student, and when after I became over 40 years old, haha...
      I wonder if you have found my shameful post in "material celeste"...
    11. Yes, I surely noticed it three times.:sweat
      It was three years ago. haha. Maybe disappeared.......:sweat:sweat

      Anyway, I am so happy to name the 42cm doll Fragille.
      I thought single knee joint, which was developed in Pricco II , is also good for fragille.
      But I happened to got new idea of knee double joint.
      I hope I succeed in introducing it to the developping new body.
      BJD making is always thriling enough.
    12. Hi, everyone,
      I would like to hear your comments, please.

      Thaasa body (56cm doll) has Knee double joints, and is able to sit on the floor by japanese way.
      But the leg sacrificed the look/curve, especially the rear view by the digged thighs.
      Now, double joint is to installed to Fragille's leg, even it's design is new. But more or less the look might be sacrificed.

      So,which do you like with Fragille's body.
      Single joint with beautiful line.
      Double joints, sacrificing the curve, having the ability to sit on the floor.

      I might make both. and one would be option.
      But, which should be standard.

      I am so happy if I could hear your thoughts.
      Thank you.
    13. I find it very interesting to see people who sculpt by carving, or cutting from positive space, because I'm the kind of person who likes to build up from negative space, LOL. I have some soap stone that I've never worked on because I just can't get myself to carve / see anything in it! It's weird :P

      This is going to be fun to watch!

      Edit, for the look of the joint, I love Fairyland's handling of it, thin resin, with knee sculpted as a separate piece, so that when the legs are bent, the knee (double joint piece) fills in the space.. But it's so exact... I have to wonder if they don't use computers and machines to sculpt out those things? I don't know if it's possible for you to make something so perfect... but even if not, I actually do like double joints best as I like poseability. Another note, with this body, if you could make the back arch like fairyland does with the girl A-line body, like a gymnast, I'd find that even more wonderful! It's the sexiest thing I've ever seen a doll do, and you can do so much more with that kind of joint than any double arm/leg joints... like laying on the ground sideways watching TV, reading a book, etc... all kinds of natural on the floor stuff! 'course, this is just my desires/opinions :D

      BTW, I really like her hands :) not too thin, not too small, kinda real :D Like that alot

      And finally, I need a 50cm boy, LOL. A chunky one :D In tan resin :P LOL ::hugs::
    14. IngieBee-san,
      Thank you for your very interesting comment.
      I think I do both from postive space and negative space. Actually I sculpt heads from negative space, as it's better for the jop.
      But" BJD body" should have joints, and if the joint design is designed complicated, the production is well done with hard material,which meens "from psitive space".
      But my way of "curving from positive space" is very easy going. If curving is done more than expected, polyethtel-patty is attached again and curved again. It's kind of go and back. haha.
      I hope you enjoy the looong looong way of this development.
    15. As far as the double jointed knees go, I personally would prefer to have the posing ability that is able to be obtained through the double joint. I do have single jointed dolls and although they can have a beautiful line as you put it, I find that I want my girls to be able to sit on the floor as the Thaasa II can.

      I cannot speak for everyone, but those are my current thoughts.
    16. I personally don't mind the groove on the back of the Thaasa legs, because the double joint works so well. They kneel so perfectly, it's really unique. I would prefer double joints for sure.
    17. The ability of the Thaasa to sit on the floor in Japanese way so naturally is what makes your sculpt unique :aheartbea

      I would love the Mini shinydoll to have this ability.
    18. IngieBee-san, LilacFor FirstLove-san, babytarragon, Saba-san, Bridget-san, 7777777luck-san,
      Thank you for supporting double knee joints. I decided to install double joints after reading your commnets. It's already installed, and will be uploaded to the top post later.:)

      Thank you again for the comments on the double joints.
      Anyway my goal is to obtain (1)wide range of motion, (2)posing stability of the joint, and (3)beautiful sculpt at the same time. So I believed, my new knee design is the best to chose. If fairylands joint already did the three, it's super excellent.I have not seen other makers body so much.
      I think ShinyDOLL's body should be comfortable to handle. I do anything if the body can keep comfortability.
      Thank you for loving the hands. I myself love them.
      Ohhoo, boy...................................................I have not got curiosity about boy's body in these five years........................................................:sweat:sweat:sweat

      The torso is still thick, I think. It might be sculpted more later, after all joints are completed, and all parts are connected by the rubber strings. Then it would be plump until finishing.:3nodding:
    19. I only meant that I did not look at this thread yesterday and now there are new pictures for me to see. I am not complaining about new pictures though! They are wonderful to see!

      Are the elbow joints designed for the same range of motion as on the Thaasa II body? I am sorry for so many questions!
    20. LilacForFirstLove-san,
      Thank you for the explanation.:)
      Fragille's elbow joints will have same functions as Thaasa body has.:)
      I think it's the best constraction for BJD,
      considering look, range of motion, and the stability. :):)
      She will get the functins from now, having further sculpting or engineering.