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taking out your dolls

Sep 24, 2009

    1. i was just wondering if you ever take your dolls out in public....shopping at the supermarket, or going to the movies, or to the mall.....if you do, do people stop you and ask questions....do you get stared at?
      so far i have lacked the courage to do so but i really would like to show off my pretties.
    2. My two MSD girls don't go out in public just to be going out with me, they go in case there's a good place to take pictures. :lol: Meaning, yes, I may take them with me sometimes when I'm going to the grocery store, but they will stay in my messenger bag, not out being shown off in public, if there's nowhere to take pictures, but I still bring them in with me so they don't get stolen or hot in the car. I'm not the type to put them in the baby seat of the cart or anything of that sort.

      It's safer for them, cleaner and less distracting to me and other shoppers if they stay in their bag unless being photographed. Exceptions to this are playing with them while waiting 4 hours for urgent care at the doctor's and things to that effect. :sweat It's a good comfort and distraction.
    3. I sometimes take a doll or two out with me just to take them with me when I go out. With two very small actual children it's hard to take a doll (or dolls) along as much as I'd like to, though. My mother-in-law has actually banned my dolls from her home because of how often they'd be dragged along there with me.
    4. if you take them out with you i would recommend bringing a camera with you that has pictures of the dolls at your house or outside with you (proof the doll is yours if someone thinks it belongs to the store your in) and also just make sure your prepared for not so nice comments or looks. some of the people who hate dolls or are scared of them will probably voice their opinion. but have fun!
    5. Not often, but I do occasionally take them out. I went to a goth/industrial club on saturday and took my resident inustrial-goth brat with me. He was much awwed over (by the guys, no less! XD). I do sometimes have to answer questions, which can sometimes lead to interesting conversations. I do also sometimes get stared at, but to be perfectly honest, I can't always tell if it's because of the doll or because of the shiny metallic hairfalls and platform boots. XP
    6. Frankly, my dolls are too cumbersome to lug around when I'm doing everyday things. They only really travel when I'm going to doll meets, photo shoots, and friends' houses.
    7. I'm actually quite paranoid about taking them places. So they mainly stay home. I'm in a small town where your judged if your different so I don't often take my dolls out because i'm the only one in the town who has them.:sweat
    8. When I get mine, I will lug her around here and there. I'll bring her to my best friends house (who plans to live her bjd life vicariously through me), my grandmothers house...and to public places that wont induce too much staring. Like movie theatres, and restaurants. Movies are too dark to see and if I sit in a booth I can just tuck her in next to me. Taking a large bag to stick your doll in is a good idea, though.....
    9. I took my Doll to the park once for a solo photo shoot. I was holding him as I walked from spot to spot because I could not be bothered to keep putting my camera and doll back in the carrying case. At one point I had a crowd of people behind me while I took his picture under a tree. Like 15+ people standing around looking on :) It was kind of fun because they were amazed (freaked or in love) with my doll.

      But that was just one time. I feel rather self conscience walking around with them for the most part.
    10. Noooooo, I don't want to look like a nutter, haha!
      The only time I take one out in public is if I'm doing a photography shoot, but those are very rare, and at least have some kind of purpose behind them that I could explain away as I busily posed and shooted, as it were.

      Otherwise it's only to meet-ups, and dolly remains safely in her bag 'til it's proper to bring her out.

      In general I find dolls can bring out the *very worst* in people, for some reason. I don't like attracting attention, I like to be left alone and unnoticed. So for all my eccentricity I'd rather be such on a private level. Not attracting the wrath of the Normal. I mean, what would be the point???

    11. There are quite a few threads discussing this in our General Discussion archive - try a search using "public" and enjoy reading through those conversations!

      And, for the record, I don't take my dolls out in public. ;) It's awkward enough - FOR me, ymmv - when the UPS guy shows up and I've got a huge dollie photoshoot on the deck.
    12. To be honest I feel weird now that I take them out a LOT. When I travel they go with me, I (of course take them to meets), I rotate who goes out with me, especially when I go to the asian market, as the ladies there LOVE my resin kids and get upset when I dont bring them. I feel bad leaving them at home and honestly the looks I do get (that I notice) I dont give a rats butt about! And I'll always answer people's questions if they have them!
    13. Eh, I took my first doll to the movies once. I don't really see a need to take them somewhere that there won't be other doll people about.
    14. When I got my first doll I used to take her EVERYWHERE! Even in my small hometown I never got any really bad reactions. The most I got was stares, but I never really noticed them that much. It does make a difference if you have a camera. Once you start taking pictures I think it makes it easier for people to think "oh, some art thing" instead of "grown up with big doll whut?" If that makes any sense.

      I didn't get any strangers coming up to me to ask questions. The only people who said anything were people I vaguely knew. At school and college however, I got a LOT of comments, and not all of them nice. Mostly people seemed confused.

      Nowadays, now that I've got used to having them around, I don't take them out so much. Once the novelty wears of I started noticing how cumbersome my guys can get after a while. Every so often though, as I'm on my way out one of them will catch my eye and I feel like taking them for a ride. Someone always comes along when I'm in need of moral support too :lol:

      Oh, and I always get a lot of jealous stares from little kids.
    15. When I took pix at the Getty Center recently I got lots of compliments and thumbs-up. Some even identified the dolls correctly as Asian in origin. I pointed a couple of people towards Torrance and Volks Tenshi no Sumika because they just WANTED my little vinyl friends. They can't get an Obitsu there, oh well. But actually Yumiko's my little starlet and actually gets the most attention. Zetto's guitar attracts more interest than Zetto, usually, but that's not for lack of handsomeness. Everyone likes a pretty girl...^_^

      I have also had to memorize the phrase "muneca japonesa" (the n in muneca has a tilde over it, actually) to explain to those whose first language is Spanish what they are looking at. It means "Japanese doll." It's pronounced Moo-NYEH-ka ha-po-NAY-sa.
    16. Hardly.

      I sometimes bring one to the odd doll gathering here and there but I'm pretty conservative when it come to the places I bring my dolls. Perhaps it's because I can't be bothered to have every person I know asking me questions when I try to go on about my business. And considering how fast gossip travels in Asian communities it definitely will get awkward for my family and I to try to explain why I am carrying a big doll around in the supermarket. Or wherever. >_>
    17. Don't generally take out the girls that often. Sometimes we go out to a park for a photoshoot. Took Saber out to the Halo 3: ODST midnight release earlier this week.
    18. Iv been wanting to take one around with me. But I havent, mostly because I am very self concious and dont like to draw attention to my self. Id really like to though, Iv wanted to take one to the store with me, or just when I go around with my mom, or to her house.
    19. I have one doll always with me. She's my lil puki and she lives in a hard sunglasses case in my purse so I can whip her out whenever I feel like it. My bigger dolls.... not so much. I spose it depends on my mood but typically not I don't take them out.

      ~Gio :aheartbea
    20. I don't have a doll yet. But I'm not sure if I'd take her with me when I do get her. Maybe to my in-law's and mom's houses. I don't think I'd take her shopping or anything.