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Pros and Cons of Soom Mecha Angels

Aug 26, 2008

    1. Well, I have finally decided that my first doll is going to be a MechaAngel, and I was wondering if anyone owned one?
      And if you do, could you please point out some good And bad things about them? Like, size issues, things like that.
      Thanks ^_^
    2. For me, the biggest Pro and biggest Con is the same thing: the 80cm size.

      I needed a doll that large to be my 7'3" character so my MA Corvi fits the bill perfectly. At the same time he's very heavy, doesn't really like to sit unattended (like to flop over backwards, I really should wire him) and there aren'y very many places to buy clothing for him. Shoes are no problem though.

      I don't think any of those Cons would've kept me from buying him though. He's a great doll!
    3. The size issue definately. Flopping backwards is a real problem. Since I don't change clothes for most of my dolls, trying to find clothing is no big deal. I think they(mecha angels) are gorgeous dolls. Mostly I just pose my boy and stare at him adoringly and of course play with his long black curly hair!:aheartbea
      For all their troubles, I'm sure you'll love your "angel".
    4. A minor question about Mecha Angel posablity....
      I plan on getting a Ma male soon, but I've been wondering for a little while now if the MAs can slouch. I have looked though the galleries and can't find a photo of them doing this. I'm partial to the guyish slouching pose... Can they slouch well?
    5. I have a Sabik, bought when they first came out.

      Pro: MAs have the best "mature" facial sculpts- they have so much personality :) Also they are great posers once you suede them in the right places. I really like how much I can pose his legs. He came with little "pegs" to help with posing the knees but he does fine without them. They have small feet for their size so finding shoes is easy.

      Con: Big/Heavy and hard to carry around. Standing is nearly impossible due to the proportionately small feet (that's why I had replaced them with my DM Model boy's feet). Clothing is difficult to find for them, so I just had an outfit commissioned for him that he permanently wears. My guy has the skinny little arms which make him look funny but I think they include the thicker arms with every new order now.

      velvet: My guy can't slouch very far, but that may be because I sueded the torso joint.
    6. My guys just barely slouches forward from his upper torso joint but compared to some dolls I wouldn't call it a proper slouch.

      Soom forgot to put my MAs pegs in my box, I'm hoping they'll send me some when I get my new MA arms. (The early MA boys like Corvi and the first few releases of Sabik came with skinnier arms but Soom is willing to sell replacement muscular arms to people who bought their boys directly from them.)

      My only other peev about the Mecha ANgel boys is the hand size. They wear the same size hands as the Suer Gem boys, much too small for the big guys! The jointed hands are a little bigger but if you're not careful when positioning the wrists you'll pull them right off. It doesn't effect their general stringing but it is annoying. The Mecha Angel girls have larger hands than the boys so I might try to get Soom to sell me some but the girl's wrists are also larger, so the ball joint might be too big to fit the boy wrist properly. *_*
    7. Pros: that handsome face, as everyone else has said, and also the flexibility of those super-long legs. My Sabik could cross his legs very elegantly, and that's unusual for a BJD. I was also satisfied with the range of clothes that Soom offered, supplemented with some 70cm-size T-shirts and custom-fitted Marshpants.

      Cons: well, I found the long, spidery limbs too awkward to deal with after a while. Sabik looked great sitting up straight with his legs crossed--once I got him balanced and made sure he had something to lean against if he tried to lurch backwards--but that was the only pose that really appealed to me. Standing, as other people have said, was pretty much out of the question.

      I also found him difficult to move from place to place. I'm not all that short (5'6"), but it was really cumbersome to try to carry Sabik and a camera *and* a tripod around for photoshoots, without accidentally letting his foot or hand bang on furniture or doorframes.

      So, as great as he looked sitting on a low stool by the fireplace, I decided that I was happier with the dolls that I could play with more easily. But if I had had the space for a permanent display doll that never needed to be moved--and if my dog hadn't decided that Sabik was his mortal enemy--I might have kept the big guy, in spite of the cons.
    8. I was thinking of doing this very thing. How was the resin match?
    9. Thanks for all of your pros and cons guys. I'll have to keep all of this in mind when I get my Sabik...and I'm stubborn, so I'll have to find Some way to get him to stand...or atleast lean against something ^_^;
      Thanks again! *bows*
      Oh, and if you've read this post but haven't given any advice before hand, please do so still. I wish to learn all I can about MechaAngels before I get mine ^.^
    10. The Dollmore resin is much lighter and pinker than the Soom resin, but it really doesn't matter to me because Yuri is wearing boots. The ball joint fits neatly into his ankle sockets. My only problem now is that his perfect boots only fit the smaller feet.... so I may have to change them back.
    11. they don't really slouch right out of the box but its very easy to mod them so they can

      I deiced on a whim to do it while he was unsrung for sueding (figuering if I stuffed up it would be easy to fix with milliput and well hidden in the body) , basicly you just shave down the back of the 'lip' at the top of his middle torso section (just the back of it, you don't want him slouchng backwards :lol: )

      I keep meaning to post pics in the customizing forum but I can't find my camera :sweat I will post pics when I find it though

      I find he stands better in boots, I can leave him for a bit but I like to have something behind him just in case

      but then again I'm used to the dollzone body which stands like a rock
    12. Thank you, folks on answering the question about slouching :)
      vulpes.... Glad to know they can be modded a little to help with this. I'd love to see your photos whenever you take them :)
    13. In boots huh? Ok, I'll get those for him then.
      Luckily I don't have to worry about anything clothes wise for him, except shoes, cuz I'm making them all myself :)
      And if I have a fun enough time doing it then I might just open a shop in the marketplace to sell some outfits I would make, that'd be cool :love

      Ah, I was going to get a DZ Floy for my first doll....until I saw a Sabik :sweat
    14. do you think the jointed hands would look good on the girls? i want to get the jointed hands for my saiph but i'm worried they might look out of proportion or not fit in her wrists.
    15. Hand size is a little small, but I find it doesn't detract. I fixed the jointed hands issue by glueing them with white glue. You wouldn't want to use super glue, since if they came unstrung you'd be screwed. But white glue you can pull free easily enough if something happens and you need to restring the fingers.

      I find posing just takes a little aggression. While that seems odd, its just a bigger doll so you can't like just nudge them around to get what you want like an MSD. You gotta exert some control over those big bodies!

      Flopping hasn't been an issue for me really. It happened a couple times before I coated, but since I coated I guess that added enough friction. Or maybe I'm just used to grabbing them by their torsos not the hips.

      They are really really a LOT bigger than other dollfies. I'm gonna post a pic here, just to show you. The doll on the far right is the Mecha. So, once you go Mecha...it does limit, at least in certain ways, what dolls you can get to go with them. For me that's great...I'll just order more Mechas!!! I've got 6 of them at the moment. <3 em.

    16. :?So roughly the Mecha's are 80cm which is 3 feet in inches right??
    17. more like 31 and a half inches, so, not quite 3 feet. They are roughly the size of the average 2-year-old human child.
    18. Good gravy that is one big ole doll to carry around, thanks for the info Buff:)
    19. well I asked Kelly (shes fantastic at answering all my bazzilion questions :) ) on the SOOM Q&A because I've seen people wondering about this a few times, here was my reply:

      so I they should fit, although proportion wise I can't say, I could take a picture of my jointed hand next to my Sabiks hand though if that helps? found my camera now :)
    20. where would people suggest sueding them? I have a Rex on Layaway:)

      i have seem a MA standing at a meet once and he sat up nicely the whole time :)