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Sex and Nudity within the BJD Community

Oct 18, 2007

    1. Firstly before i even begin this topic i'd like to quote this particular line from DOA's general forum rules:
      "DoA is a 13+ forum, so we do not allow the following in photos, photostories, or textual content: pornography, rape, paedophilia, extreme gore, or glorification of torture. Do not link to adult material."

      I'd also like to ask you not to bring your own sexuality or sex related experiences into this topic.

      There is a topic dicussing photography of "underage" dolls that can be found here: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161826 so please participate in that debate if it concerns "child" dolls. This topic is for the discussion of dolls that can be percieved as being "Adult" (18+). If you are sensitive to the discussion of sexual content then please do not read or reply to this post. It is perfectly acceptable to both like and dislike sexual content.


      After reading through the topic suggestions thread and seeing the "I am a perverted pedophile?" topic being locked for being to personal, i decided to start a new topic to debate about the ethics of nudity and sex within the BJD community. It seems to be something that people wish to discuss but don't know where to begin. So i'd like to take that first step and begin the debate.

      So throwing some questions onto the field for you to discuss:
      (I'd also like to clarify i havn't stated my opinion of the subject, these are questions that were mentioned in the suggestions thread and on other topics. So please don't direct your posts against me as if i was asking you these questions :sweat I won't be offended if you do however. These are not questions i am asking you from my own viewpoint!!! I am simply interested in hearing peoples thoughts on this delicate subject.)

      · What are your thoughts on BJD photography showing scenes of a sexual nature or implying sexual content? Do you think that people who photograph their dolls having sexual intercourse is considered to be perverted or an expression of artistic form and love? What about if the sexual scenes are of a form of rape or abuse? Should people be allowed to photograph such scenes (photographs of this content are not allowed on DOA)

      · How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community? Do you believe it's wrong for them to think such things when there are dolls such as "Full nobility royma" avaliable? What about Unoa dolls being created by a famous hentai artist? Mods such as the XXXL Dollfie Dream bust? The fact BJD's are often anatomically correct? Are all these aspects which contribute to people having a negative image about BJDs?

      · What about the differences in culture between doll owners. Whilst one person may have come from a society where nudity and sex are considered to be beautifull things, another may have come from a society where such subjects are considered unacceptable. Is the cultural barrier something that changes peoples opinions on sexual content in doll photography?

      · With so many nude photographs of real women and men out there in the world, why should photographing inanimate objects that portray similar statue to human beings be considered wrong? Would it be acceptable for someone to photograph a naked Barbie over a naked BJD? How do you handle just plain doll nudity in photographs?

      · What about the need to find a romantic partner for your BJD? Whether or not they choose to engage in sexual activities or pose nude for photoshoots. Do dolls really need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? What about same sex couples? Is it frowned upon to do such things seeing as they are "just dolls"?

      I think that's enough questions to get you started on a discussion. Please do not let this topic become a discussion on personal issues and please double check before you post anything. This discussion has alot of potential so try to stay mature and open minded~

      (Mods/Admins if this topic begins to cause any troubles please lock it. I was quite nervous about starting it to begin with.)
    2. BJD owners should be able to do as they please with their dolls. If they would like to further the story and personalities of their dolls, taking pics of nudity, sexual acts may just be a way of expressing this for them. As long as it is put either on their own personal website/other forum that allows such things as to not offend people with a younger base. Simply put, put it where it belongs.

      Just because BJDs are anatomically correct does not mean that they are "sex dolls". It is simply an attempt to get them as realistic to life as possible. Even different things such as the XXL bust for the Dollfie Dream is an attempt to usually recreate what is seen in anime. Will some owners/people find this a bit sexual. Probably, there is usually a miniority out there that will think these things about their dolls. They are the ones that own them. As long as they do not push it in your face, or blatantly show them off in a obscene matter than its their business.

      I think the one main problem people have with us taking nude pictures of our dolls is that we say the word dolls. When most people here dolls they think baby dolls or child play things and do not understand that the BJD community usually consists of someone 14 or older who has some sense of what sexuality is. Nudity in art and artistic photography will always have some objection. While it is slowly and surely becoming more accepted here in the states, other places it is easier to accept or harder to accept. Not to bring up religion but as Christianity is a major religion in the United States artists that take nude pictures will always get some person that does not approve of their work. I personally have no problem with artistic nude photography of humans or dolls. But I do understand how someone can get offended by it. I have a beautiful photo book by Leonard Nimoy (yup thats right Spock does artistic photography now) that does have some nude photos in it. I have it displayed at my house on a shelf and my mother saw it and was immediately offended by it. Although the whole reason for the book was to show off the beauty of the female body. She thought it was crude and distasteful to women. Everyone has different tastes. Those of us that choose to accept it and that do take nude pictures of our dolls will get an objection from certain people. I think as long as we our correctly displaying our photos I think there should be no problem and we should be able to retort we someone raises an objection. An art show/forum/personal site/gallery that is appropriate for the photos is where they should be put and if someone goes there looking and knowing what they are going to see, then it is their own fault and they have no reason to get angry and attack the artist.

      Lastly I do not see it as wrong to put your dolls in relationship same sex or otherwise. They are your dolls, you bought them. Most of our dolls are not cheap, we should be able to do with them as we please.

      Sorry that got long winded. I kept getting off on rabbit trails.
    3. I really don't understand why a little doll penis or nipple could be seen as something sexual. If you see dollbits and immidiately think "omg sexual" I think you have a problem...

      Sex is also natural. It's a part of life.. (unless you're very unlucky ._. ) Most people use these dolls to reflect life in some way, so I don't see why it would be stranger for the dolls to have sex than cooking or something...

      Also, aren't there nude angels flying around on paintings in almost every church? I never heard anyone getting offended by them, so I don't see why innocently nude dolls would be different.

      As for rape and such, well, it's your dolls. Do what you please. Please make your father-Hound have sex with his kid YoSD if you like that! (Just put it where not everyone has to see it..)
    4. I think people should photograph their dolls however they wish. There are adult forums that permit these photos to be published for the protection of younger collectors or for people who find them not to their taste.

      I consider ABJ dolls to be art so I do not think of them as "sex dolls". There are actual silicone life-size figures that are made for that purpose. I don't really care what someone outside the hobby thinks of my dolls; it only matters to me that I like them and find them beautiful. The fact they are gendered dolls only makes them more life-like and fabulous to me. The doll mods with the exaggerated "parts" are kind of interesting, but I wouldn't buy one. Whatever floats your boat.

      I agree that culture may have an influence on how different people think of dolls, but then, culture may (or may not) have an influence on many things. I, personally, am from the "Bible belt" southern US, but I have no problem with nudity or sexual content. I think that most people have been exposed to a variety of images from television, films, media, etc. and are not limited to their own personal or regional culture anymore.

      I don't usually photograph my dolls nude, but I might someday. I think naked Barbies are just plain silly, and naked dolls just for the sake of nudity look a little too clinical for my taste. I love seeing artfully photographed dolls, nude or otherwise.

      I play with my dolls, so pretending to find them companions is just part of the fun. It's only pretend, anyway, so who cares if they end up with same or opposite gender friends? If people are offended by the depiction of dolls in life-like situations, then perhaps they would be better off with another hobby.
    5. It’s quite simple a matter of personal taste. I don’t have a problem with looking at it nude dolls or nude animation or nude people; but I do feel uncomfortable looking at it with say like my younger sister, or my parents only because it is not something I am used to doing. I don’t mind, however, my younger sister looking at such things.

      I think our society in the United States leads such a sheltered life that natural things with our bodies help promote the idea that “sexuality” is bad. Being nude is just a part of sexuality. We are so condoned to believe that marriage is the only way to properly express your body and your sexuality.

      It is easy to pass these provisions onto our semi-anatomically correct dolls. If they indeed lacked our outside body parts then I believe nudeness wouldn’t be a problem.

      What are your thoughts on BJD photography showing scenes of a sexual nature or implying sexual content?

      I think it is fine and I wouldn’t mind seeing it in some of the photostories I read. I believe that sex is just a part of life. And if our resin friends can pretend: talk, eat, see, sleep, get sick… etc. They can have “pretend sex”. Just like human sexually driven photos or movies, it is done tastefully then I am all for it!

      How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community?

      I don’t know about the Full mobility Royma? I tried to find it to get a better picture or what was being asked. But for them to really be clarified as sex dolls they would have to actually have the right parts for someone or something to have sex with. Does that make sense? In all seriousness, I dont think our dolls bottom halves are 100% anatomically correct, they are more like “aesthetically correct”.

      Oh.. well he penis does “become erect” but it still lacks the mobility to be used as proper penis would be used. So my opinion is no, there are still no BJD dolls that go on this site that are “sex” dolls

      With so many nude photographs of real women and men out there in the world, why should photographing inanimate objects that portray similar statue to human beings be considered wrong?

      I don’t think having a naked Barbie or BJD is any different. I just think that because Barbie’s nipples are not present and she has painted on undies it doesn’t seem sexual. Because in the US sensor society, nipples are lewd. The actual breast is acceptable.

      What about the need to find a romantic partner for your BJD?

      Um, romantic partners just help further the life span of the dolls for me. It gives me another facet for them to interact with.
    6. Sorry it was a typo on my behalf, the doll is called "Full Nobility Royma" or "Full operation Royma" and he can be found here: http://notdolllab.com/shop/step1.php?number=409 I apologize for the confusion ^^;
    7. Nice discussion topic!

      This is something I've thought about a bit because I have several dolls - including a DDII with a XXXXL bust part, who is virtually impossible to photograph without a giant invisible sign going LOOK! BOOBS! - male and female, of all sizes, who are happy being photographed naked or in sexualised poses/situations.

      -I personally don't take pictures of my dolls in explicitly sexual poses, and I'm not incredibly fond of this kind of photographs simply because they're very hard to do well. I'm not really interested in showing this aspect of my character's lives (The characters deserve SOME privacy, and the idea of photographing the dolls in that way frankly makes me laugh my socks off because, well, they're dolls), I find the results of the few times I've experimented with this kind of photograph particularly dissapointing, so usually in photostories and suchlike I leave out the 'action' and just have the before and after with the snuggling and the fluff and the stuff I DO like. As with anything and everything else, even if it's not to my personal taste, I wouldn't at all mind seeing more photos by the people who can make it look good - and believable.

      - I would not react at all favourably to someone refering to one of my dolls - even my DDII with the enormous breasts - as a 'sex doll'. With the DDII, I could somewhat understand it - she is obviously designed as an anime-style hyper-sexualised body - but that's not the way I percieve her character, or something I ever intend to do with her character, and simply by looking at the way I dress her or talk about her I would hope anyone would realise she's not intended as a sexual object. With the others, especially the child-like and cute looking dolls I own, I would not only be insulted but I would be concerned about what kind of person thinks that a doll that looks like and dresses like a small child must be a sexual object.

      - I don't have a problem with artistic nudity. I also don't have a problem with sexualised, 'pin-up'-style photography. But I think, with dolls as with humans, that artistic nudity is generally more accepted and more often misinterpreted. I prefer the older, 1950's/Burlesque style of pin-up photography, and so when I take nude photos of my dolls that are MEANT to be sexualised I use a lot of the same markers - high heels, suspenders, particularly showy poses. It's a lot harder to include markers in artistic photography that says 'this is purely artistic' except that in these photos I think they probably actually show a lot more of the body. With my doll photos, the artistic nudes are usually totally nude and there is more emphasis on their joints and sculpt - the things that define them as dolls, in fact. They are still open to misinterpretation, unfortunately, and I don't think there's much can be done about that.

      - I have my dolls as shells for characters, and those characters have sexual preferences and relationships. I don't see anything wrong with that anymore than it's wrong to have relationships between characters in novels. You tailor the details and the intensity to suit your audience, but there's nothing 'wrong' with it.
    8. · What are your thoughts on BJD photography showing scenes of a sexual nature or implying sexual content? Do you think that people who photograph their dolls having sexual intercourse is considered to be perverted or an expression of artistic form and love? What about if the sexual scenes are of a form of rape or abuse? Should people be allowed to photograph such scenes (photographs of this content are not allowed on DOA)

      This is such a grey, slippery slope. Unless we have a way to clearly define what is sexual or not, common sense/obvious scenarious aside, there's a lot of maybe maybe not wiggle room. Everyone here knows different people find different things sexual. Someone might look at a picture of a slit skirt exposing a thigh and consider that innapropriately erotic or sexual in nature. What of lips that are painted a deep red, or low cut tops on female dolls?

      Personally, I think it's about an owner doing with their really pricey dolls what they want to do with their really pricey dolls. Photographs of inanimate objects don't actually hurt anyone 99% of the time, so as long it's in the appropriate location and there's a warning up for those who may want to avoid the subject matter, I don't see the problem with it.

      · How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community? Do you believe it's wrong for them to think such things when there are dolls such as "Full nobility royma" avaliable? What about Unoa dolls being created by a famous hentai artist? Mods such as the XXXL Dollfie Dream bust? The fact BJD's are often anatomically correct? Are all these aspects which contribute to people having a negative image about BJDs?

      I feel bad for them, they're just uninformed and judging based on ignorance. I do admit that seeing a toddler-sized "doll" with large breasts and other emphasized "sexual" features could reasonably lead a person to make that call. But not every woman that gets breast implants is a pornstar, just as not every busty doll is used for sexual purposes.
      By and large, it's about what you want in the doll, getting what you want for the money you're parting with. If people could get their heads around this concept, we'd have a lot less trouble, I think. (I personally describe them as "collectible ball-joint models" instead of dolls. It gets my older family members and friends more on board with it than "purty dolls")

      · What about the need to find a romantic partner for your BJD? Whether or not they choose to engage in sexual activities or pose nude for photoshoots. Do dolls really need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? What about same sex couples? Is it frowned upon to do such things seeing as they are "just dolls"?

      This is just a matter of role-play I think, not to mention cute photo opportunities. Yes, I'm sure that some couple up for more romantic or sexual photos/role play, but that's part of life. Ugh, that sounds more dismissive than I meant it to, but hopefully you get the point I'm (poorly) making.
      *I've finally gone and read the earlier posts, and you are all saying it better than me. So I'll just say "yeah, exactly" and leave it at that.*
    9. IMO, there would be less of a problem with the general public if:

      1. People had not been trained for so many years by the neuter bodies of Barbie and Ken, with regard to hints of genitalia (and aangita is right - breast swell is fine, but nipples are too graphic to include, on either gender!)

      2. We hadn't been trained to think that dolls are toys for children and childhood is supposed to be the pure, oblivious time of life towards anything adult, including bodies. (The second part in theory at least, as any parent knows who's had to deal with the repeated stripping down of Barbies by both daughters and sons.)

      3. The fact that aside from fashion dolls, where the only important bits are the clothes, clothes, and accessories, collector dolls for adults are usually impossibly cute and retro girl-child dolls, except for some segues into fantasy depictions. But even these dolls are dressed and wigged once and meant to be merely displayed in the form in which they arrived, like statues with softer coveirngs.

      4. The only anatomically correct dolls widely heard of are the joked-about sex dolls, with the accompanying idea that they are something for losers who can't get a "real" girl or who are not in control of their "base desires".

      An aside, regarding nude angels - it really was only around the beginning of the 20th century when they had a problem of people requesting the covering up of nude statues in museums. In one famous case, someone actually got so worked up over *dirty* nudity that she went with a hammer and chisel and broke off the offending bits. In a museum. Where she didn't have to go, if she knew she'd be offended. Never underestimate the irrationality of self-righteous fever--

      Re: nudity with the dolls: No problem here, although I wish some had more esthetically pleasing joints or posing capabilities, but there are compromises with function to be made. As the point has already been noted, these dolls are NOT 100% accurate. (But I suppose to those brought up on Barbies and Kens, anything more than zero is a lot more!)

      As far as sex scenes - I see BJDs as another form of artistic expression. I write, and have no problem writing a sex scene, so I find it very similar to construct a paragraph of words or to portray a scene with dolls instead of words. I think if you, for whatever reason, find it difficult to write a full-out sex scene, it would be equally difficult to do so in any other medium. Although, frankly, the VISUAL-ness of using dolls would cause an extra problem, since while we may accept a painting of a caress or a kiss, the visual portrayal of anything graphic, especially with the view of genitalia, is usually consigned to the role of pornography as a Bad Thing, a Something-Is-Wrong-With-You-That-You- Like-That-Stuff-Thing by the mainstream, and so there's extra baggage to climb over before they can take a clear view of things.

      Personally, I think a large part of this hobby is driven by personification. I don't see it as one-on-one role-playing avatars, but as a process more similar to the way an author populates a novel. The writer may well have a piece of self seeding every character, whether saint, loser or murderer, but the aim is to create something apparently whole and independent, something "other" than the creator. And then giving that character what it needs -- or witholding, depending on the chosen plot development!

      I think that's enough blabbing on my part for right now, and the parts most strictly on-topic at the moment!
    10. I know these issues bother some people even within the BJD hobby but I think people should be able to do what they like with their own dolls. Personally it is not something I would do with my own dolls but I feel like dolls represent people and what we do with them represents things we would like to express that we may not be able to express ourselves or with other people.

      There are issues with sex in every society and there are also many issues with adults liking dolls in many societies and so it is no surprise that if you mix the two there will be all kinds of people who have a problem with it.
    11. People should be allowed to do whatever they want to do with their dolls. If that includes taking pornographic photos, so what? I'm sure most if not all of us enjoy a good smutty read, so I've always scratched my head over people having a problem when it's presented visually. And I think the biggest moral gripe about pornography that most people have, that it objectifies women or whatever.... these are dolls. They are objects. They are already objectified.

      How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community?

      I wish that someone, someday will tell me to my face that my dolls are sex dolls, so that I can then ask them exactly how they think I use them for sexual purposes. Because I really am curious as to the thought processes behind that statement - how are these dolls to be used a sex dolls when the way they are constructed is not conducive to using them in sexual acts?

      But beyond that, I don't care what people think of my dolls or what they think I do with my dolls or what they think of what I actually do do with my dolls. They're my dolls purchased for my enjoyment. Not theirs.

      What about the need to find a romantic partner for your BJD? Whether or not they choose to engage in sexual activities or pose nude for photoshoots. Do dolls really need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? What about same sex couples?

      I buy my dolls in pairs that are romantic/sexual couples. Since I view my dolls as extensions of different other anime and game fandoms I am in, and fandom is all about playing with your respective canon, it's generally about "shipping" for me. I don't write gen fanfic and I don't want to only own one doll of my pairing.

      Dolls don't have to have a significant other, but it oftens opens up the door for more character exploration along with creating more challenging photoshoots. It's hard enough to pose one doll properly, adding another ups the challenge. Nevermind how difficult it is to really make sexual scenes with dolls look good and not very silly. I see owning the couple as being more fun. There's nothing wrong with same sex couples just as there is nothing wrong with different sex couples.
    12. I have a rather simple view on this, as it seems most others do sofar.

      Let people do what they want with their dolls. If they like their SDxtiny than let them. it's their choice.

      People who cringe at naked dolls are weird to me. you see yourself naked in the mirror-we all bathe/shower. So nudity is a part of life. As is sex, it's a part of growing up, learning, and loving.

      Besides MTV now has sex commercials -_-; people making out and touching and everything than the announcer saying "Take time for things that are important" and the girl or guy grabs a condom, or tells her boyfriend no. come on, i know KIDS that watch MTV... with all the sexual things that are in TV now adays, dolls shouldn't be a surprise at all.
    13. What are your thoughts on BJD photography showing scenes of a sexual nature or implying sexual content? Do you think that people who photograph their dolls having sexual intercourse is considered to be perverted or an expression of artistic form and love? What about if the sexual scenes are of a form of rape or abuse? Should people be allowed to photograph such scenes (photographs of this content are not allowed on DOA)
      I personally don't care for any sexualized images, involving dolls or otherwise. As I said in another thread: I feel such images appeal to the basest part (lowest common denominator) of a person's attention, and I like to think people are capable of higher thought, not just animal impulses. It's so "everywhere" so ubiquitous. I roll my eyes and look elsewhere, prefering to be addressed as an intellect of some sort, rather than as a piece of meat.

      How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community? Do you believe it's wrong for them to think such things when there are dolls such as "Full nobility royma" avaliable? What about Unoa dolls being created by a famous hentai artist? Mods such as the XXXL Dollfie Dream bust? The fact BJD's are often anatomically correct? Are all these aspects which contribute to people having a negative image about BJDs?
      I would just say that there is a spectrum in the hobby, different areas. Not all the dolls are about that sort of thing. Many of them happen to be anatomically correct, but not all of them are. Just like on TV (the average person's hobby) there are sexy shows, shows for children, and everything in between.

      What about the differences in culture between doll owners. Whilst one person may have come from a society where nudity and sex are considered to be beautifull things, another may have come from a society where such subjects are considered unacceptable. Is the cultural barrier something that changes peoples opinions on sexual content in doll photography?
      Well of course a person can't view things except from within the trappings of the culture they come from, and I believe that does cause misunderstandings. I'm not really qualified to discuss the differences in depth, since I don't have a lot of knowledge about Japanese culture. I just know they can't possibly be expected to have the same difficulties as we do. Coming from a Shinto or Buddhist background. Look at all their sculptural imagery. In the West (going back to the Old Testament here), dolls and all sorts of sculptural images were strictly forbidden as "graven images". Think of the sexy Roman-era goddess statues and the Venus figures of the ancient European peoples. This is not a new subject by any means.

      With so many nude photographs of real women and men out there in the world, why should photographing inanimate objects that portray similar statue to human beings be considered wrong? Would it be acceptable for someone to photograph a naked Barbie over a naked BJD? How do you handle just plain doll nudity in photographs?
      I think it's just that people associate dolls with little girls, so people see naked doll = bad for little girls ...Person taking pic of naked doll = person wanting to take pictures of naked little girls... or something? Sometimes I think a puritanical witch hunt mentality gets kicked into play, people get upset and ready to label everything pedophilia or kiddie porn. Remember the infamous 60/45 Thread. I can't imagine why anyone would want to take a picture of a naked Barbie, she has little sculptural interest, even in such neutral areas as her legs, arms and back. There's a difference between a study of a nude figure, and pornography. Perhaps it's a sad comment on American culture that people see more porn than art (and/or lack the education to distinguish between them).

      What about the need to find a romantic partner for your BJD? Whether or not they choose to engage in sexual activities or pose nude for photoshoots. Do dolls really need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? What about same sex couples? Is it frowned upon to do such things seeing as they are "just dolls"?
      My dolls don't even have "friends" let alone "partners". I buy a doll for the thing itself, an objet of beauty, but around here that is not usual. I guess it's normal: If you create your dolls as "characters" with stories, then by extension people tend to create couples and family groupings (when they can afford the dolls to do so). I'm not a storyteller, and I get enough of couple and family drama in real life, so my own dolls are doomed to be just the pretty things they are, and it's how I love them best.

    14. I think taking pics of dolls nude as an angel, or a bathtub scene is okay. But dolls shouldnt be doing sexual things and i would never degrade my dolls to such means. Kissing and stuff like that is cute. But going to far isnt. People can do what they want with there dolls, I just wont look at it.
    15. · What are your thoughts on BJD photography showing scenes of a sexual nature or implying sexual content?

      It doesn't really bother me, but it's not something I look for, either. To each their own; do what you like with your dolls. As long as it's clearly marked where such content doesn't catch a viewer unawares, I don't seem much problem with it. It's up to the forum whether or not they allow images like that, and DoA is okay with it. The one thing I'd say about this is that the whole thing seems like an exercise in absurdity to me. I have a hard enough time getting my dolls to stand up on their own; getting them to do something as simple as hold hands or hug without looking ridiculous is also enough of a challenge. If you'd like to go to the trouble of making an intimate scene between dolls that aren't really built for such things, and try to convey any mood other than "silly", then I wish you luck. ;)

      As an example of what I'm talking about there, watch the uncensored version of Team America: World Police. Yes, that scene was taken to a ridiculous extreme, but can you envision it in any way where it wouldn't have been funny?

      What about if the sexual scenes are of a form of rape or abuse? Should people be allowed to photograph such scenes (photographs of this content are not allowed on DOA)

      That's again up to the forum; personally, I have a great deal of respect for DoA for banning such content. If a person did want to photograph such scenes, I wouldn't question their right to do so, but I'd have serious doubts about their judgment.

      · How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community? Do you believe it's wrong for them to think such things when there are dolls such as "Full nobility royma" avaliable? What about Unoa dolls being created by a famous hentai artist? Mods such as the XXXL Dollfie Dream bust? The fact BJD's are often anatomically correct? Are all these aspects which contribute to people having a negative image about BJDs?

      I don't get into hobbies to impress people outside of the hobby. :P Who gives a damn what someone with little to no concept of the area thinks? I've got enough perspective on this to not let it bother me. It's no different than video games, music, movies, books, role-playing, etc., etc. There are going to be colorful extremes, and those are going to be the examples that the general public focus on.

      · With so many nude photographs of real women and men out there in the world, why should photographing inanimate objects that portray similar statue to human beings be considered wrong? Would it be acceptable for someone to photograph a naked Barbie over a naked BJD? How do you handle just plain doll nudity in photographs?

      I've wondered about this before. I think a lot of people lack the imagination or the abstract reasoning ability to understand admiration of the human form when it's somehow in abstract. As an analogy, I'll go to video games again. Anytime a discussion of a video game character being hot comes up, someone has to reply with, "(S)he's not even real! They're just a video game character! :ablah: " How is that any less real than lusting after some actor/actress in a movie, or model in a magazine? To 99.999% of the world, those "real" people are just as unattainable and fantastic as the video game character. I don't have any reason to expect I've got a better chance with, say, Salma Hayek than I do with Kasumi from the Dead or Alive games. Many people are too concrete in their thinking, though. They don't recognize an attraction to elements of the human form that may be demonstrated in other forms, and require a "real" example to desire.
    16. I'm afraid that if anyone ever looked at my crew and started tut-tutting about them being "sex dolls", I'd have to raise an eyebrow and ask what they'd been smoking recently... They'd obviously have to be tuned into a reality different from my own. :lol:

      My dolls are all character avatars and some of those characters are certainly sexual beings... Being modeled on living humans, I think a certain nod to sexuality is necessary if you want the characters to be reasonably realistic... BUT, I also think that moderation is your friend. I'm of the mind that sex should be the spice of a story, not the main course. Too much messy detail can be distracting and counter-productive.

      I also think that point of view comes across pretty clearly in what I do with my own crew, in the things that I write about them and with what I stage in my photographs. I don't do nude or Adult-themed photoshoots and I don't write explicit sex scenes... It's just not my thing.

      That said, I'm not going to tell anyone else that they shouldn't write and shoot explicit sex scenes 24/7 with their dolls or their characters if that IS their thing... That's not my call. 'Their dolls, their characters, their choice. As long as they keep it to the appropriate venues and obey the labeling conventions, they should be able to have at it without any finger-wagging from prudes like me.

      What bothers me a little, though, is that "adult content" often seems to be the first or only thing that comes to mind when our dolls are brought up outside of the hobby... It's like nothing else exists from the outside. As I said over in the Underage Photos thread, I know that none of us can control what other people will see in our photos, and that if they want to see sex everywhere they will, but when it starts to seem like everyone and their sister is only geared to see smut, that's disturbing.

      I guess I just don't especially like it when non-doll people (Or even doll-people themselves... but that's a rant for aother day-) look at my pictures and automatically assume that they're "all about the sex". :|
    17. I have no problem with photographs of nude dolls or with dolls in sexual situations except for obvious adult/child relationships. Everything else goes for me including kink. While DoA is not the place to post graphic images other sites such as Controversial Doll are & the photos belong there or even in a personal blog with perhaps a warning. And no, I don't think the people taking such photos are perverse or abnormal in some way. For many of us our dolls embody our dreams & fantasties some of which may include sexual situations. Such photos are merely another way of exploring a part of ourselves that we may not feel comfortable about doing in real life. Nudes & erotised images have been around for ages in art & while some people may find them disturbing but that's a legitimate part of art, to provoke a strong reaction from the viewer.

      Until the last debate about sex & dolls I'd never heard anyone refer to these dolls as "sex dolls." I've known people who were uncomfortable with them being anatomically correct but have had many more reactions of curiousity & humor towards that. (Including my 91 year old Mom who, once she found out about it, now insists on checking out each new arrival's bits.) I've also never had anyone view them negatively because of that but most of my friends are part of the larger doll collector community & are somewhat familiar with both the antique Japanese boy dolls & the exaggerated anatomically correct 18th century court dolls.

      There can be vast differences in cultural backgrounds & yes, that can make a difference in individuals' perceptions of these dolls. But not everyone adheres to their traditional cultural beliefs & they may be surrounded by others who are offended by nudity. In such cases, I would simply suggest to refrain from shoving such images down their throats but rather finding an appropriate forum to share their pics.

      Compared to the human sexual images available, the doll ones are next to nothing. Whatever we can think of doing with our dolls has already been done over & over again using real people. Sure, some of that is porn & I suppose you could make an argument for graphic photos being "dolly porn" but in the end, these are only pictures of dolls & even the most intense ones can be done in an artistic manner. As I've said before, it's already been done with humans & in art as well.

      As for dolls having partners, I think that's a part of our imaginations & creativity with our dolls. The dolls don't actually care if they have a companion or not but in the cases of dolls embodying pre-existing characters there may be signifigant others in their lives so to complete the storyline they need another to be accurate. Even for us without such storylines, our dolls may appear lonely to us without a partner. It also makes for more interesting photostories & more possibilities for pics.

      In the end, these are dolls though & whatever we choose to have them portray may simply be a safe way of working out our own issues with nudity & sexuality. As for what the rest of the world thinks, well if you don't like it, don't look.
    18. Hobby, have I told you lately that I love you? ;) Of course, that might not do much for your popularity in some circles - lol - but honestly, I think you're the bee's knees. :)

    19. I think that could be attributed to the fact that it is censored that it may seem that smut is all they want to see. It if was an avid part of our viewing pleasure it would become mundane and boring. We are told not too.. so we want too! I don’t want to see sexual images all along, but sometimes I get tired of the same old innocent happy sweet pictures!
    20. · What are your thoughts on BJD photography showing scenes of a sexual nature or implying sexual content? Do you think that people who photograph their dolls having sexual intercourse is considered to be perverted or an expression of artistic form and love? What about if the sexual scenes are of a form of rape or abuse? Should people be allowed to photograph such scenes (photographs of this content are not allowed on DOA)

      What do you mean, "should be allowed"? Who should be doing the allowing? Depiction of sexual acts isn't allowed here already, by decree of the management... It is allowed on 18+ forums. It depends on where you go.

      No, I don't think dolly-sex is a perversion-- any more than a sex scene in a movie, TV show, book, painting, comic, etc. is a perversion. Everybody has their own personal line between Art and Pornography (as Justice Stewart so memorably codified, "I know it when I see it"). So if you think that ANY sex/nudity is considered "pornography", then you'll have the same problem with doll sex/nudity. This is your own hangup, of course, but it's one you're entitled to.

      · How do you feel when BJD's are reffered to as being "Sex Dolls" by people from outside the community? Do you believe it's wrong for them to think such things when there are dolls such as "Full nobility royma" avaliable? What about Unoa dolls being created by a famous hentai artist? Mods such as the XXXL Dollfie Dream bust? The fact BJD's are often anatomically correct? Are all these aspects which contribute to people having a negative image about BJDs?

      When I hear BJDs referred to as Sex Dolls, I know that the person is really thinking of RealDolls. They have a mental outline of "kinky+japanese+doll-thing", and don't really register what they're looking at. It's easy enough to correct them.

      If they persist in claiming that a brittle 26-inch doll is a sex toy, I will gently sit the person down and ask them how this is possible.

      · What about the differences in culture between doll owners. Whilst one person may have come from a society where nudity and sex are considered to be beautifull things, another may have come from a society where such subjects are considered unacceptable. Is the cultural barrier something that changes peoples opinions on sexual content in doll photography?

      I'm sure it changes people's opinions on sexual content, yes. Some people who are new to the hobby may have never considered doll nudes before, or never known that they wanted to try it out; when they see what's out there, they may change their minds entirely. I have gotten many grateful notes on ControversialDoll from new members who said they were too shy to try such a thing before, or had tried it but were too shy to show off their work publicly... They didn't know how it'd be received. Knowing that there was a welcoming forum for it, made these people feel more comfortable with themselves & their art.

      · With so many nude photographs of real women and men out there in the world, why should photographing inanimate objects that portray similar statue to human beings be considered wrong? Would it be acceptable for someone to photograph a naked Barbie over a naked BJD? How do you handle just plain doll nudity in photographs?

      It's not wrong. But tell THAT to those filthy-minded people who want to censor Michelangelo's David, or who ban Mapplethorpe exhibits, or who petition to cover up Lady Justice's exposed breast in front of any courthouse, who call a Teletubby gay, or who put pants on Mr. Kool-Aid.

      I like doll nudity. These bodies, for which we pay so much money and effort and time, are painstakingly & beautifully sculpted. When they're well-lit & photographed, they're as magnificent to behold as a well-done human nude.

      · What about the need to find a romantic partner for your BJD? Whether or not they choose to engage in sexual activities or pose nude for photoshoots. Do dolls really need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? What about same sex couples? Is it frowned upon to do such things seeing as they are "just dolls".

      This goes back to the way you played with your dollies when you were a kid, too (if you did)... Some play consists of automatically pairing everybody/everything up, into couples and/or families. Some play uses separate dolls. Some play consists of nothing but sitting around changing clothes and accessories, chatting, & keeping house. Some play consists of charging around outside falling out of trees & getting into adventures. Everybody plays differently.

      The only reason same-sex couples are singled out here on DOA is because same-sex couples are still singled out in the real world. People think it's some big deal to even show (or mention) homosexuality, which is why they wouldn't show Will & Grace before a certain time of night... But really, if you have a problem with looking at a same-sex doll couple, you probably also have a problem with different-sex couples that are doing the same thing. Which is, again, your own hangup.