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Iplehouse Tan Soo Ri Limited V2 with bonus 'Gentle' Head

Nov 23, 2007

    1. Ooooh! :love Yeeek, I'm already a swooning Rekka fangirl. What a pretty! I love his soft little t-shirt and matching hat. And muuuucho love for the dreaming head!

      Did they include the braid wig with him? Ahh, you were one of the lucky ones in the Random Draw. ^^ I got a very nicely-made wig that utterly clashed with Samir's complexion and wouldn't have suited Julie Andrews on a bad day. (It has since found a loving home elsewhere.)

      Thekittybox, what "matching issues" did his regular head have? X_x I hope you didn't get, like, two heads that were totally different colors, or something.
    2. Thank you for the great response to my boy! With such a dark color, I was a bit afraid he wouldn't photograph well. But he's really photogenic!

      Yup, the braided wig came with him. I bought one of their (lighter!) brown wigs, but it almost blended in with Rekka's skin tone.

      Erm. Well. :sweat To answer your question, I did get two heads that were different colors.
    3. :nowords:...! Egads, really? What a shame! How bad are they?

      Both of my boy's heads match his body nicely, and it sounds like most of the rest of us who got both heads (at least, most of us who've spoken up here) also lucked out with the matching. Did you ask Iplehouse about it? Their customer-service is so nice, maybe they'd work with you to get a Soo Ri Open-Eyed head that Rekka can actually wear. I love the Gentle head, but a boy like that deserves to have two expressions. <3

      And, yeah, I don't know why they gave their Light Brown wigs to some tan Soo Ri sets! It does almost blend in with his skin tone! It's a coppery-brown that clashes with him, just made poor Samir look like a white guy with a bad bleach-job and a summer tan. XD It's a lovely color for the other resin-tones, though. (My light-brown wig now belongs to a normalskin Elysium Axel out in Berkeley, who thinks it's the most perfect hair in the world. ^^)
    4. [​IMG]

      Iplehouse emailed me and told me there had been "a little color difference occurred" so I told them okay, I understood. Of course, half my dolls are tan so you can't expect perfect! Unfortunately, it turned out to be a big color difference.

      Right now I'm waiting on a body to try to match the open eyed head to. It's worth a shot. :)
    5. Oh my! That IS quite the difference! :o
      Surprising, really.
      But... I still love that look in his eyes. He looks like he knows he doesn't look quite right, and you can take it up with HIM if you've a mind to! :thumbup
      Such pretty eyes in that face. :) *hugs him*

      What body, may I ask? I'm interested in seeing him more. :)
      It's that faaaaace, mygod I'm just in love with that faaaaaaace! *puddles*
    6. Ya know some of that Volks sealer...or a few coats of MSC (they lighten tan dolls with every coat), and you'd probably not see much difference:)
    7. The color difference is actually more obvious in person, but I did talk about options with my local faceup artist. The body and gentle head are much more gray and the normal head is chocolate.

      So! She'd mentioned the darker tan Bobobie bodies. I found one and we're going to try it. Okay, so he will be a she instead. :)
    8. Ooo, sounds like a good save. :) I hope you'll post pictures of her!
    9. Holy great bubbling coogly-moogly! O_o Whoa, that is one DARK head. If the difference shows up this clearly in pix, I bet it's really glaring in person. How'd they manage that? I wonder if that particular head was left over from a different batch, or was their prototype or something, who knows. That's a similar level of difference I see between this new tan Soo Ri & last year's tan Lion (darker/more purely brown). And he does look quite miffed about it. ^^ Normally their quality assurance's way better than that.

      Well, good luck with the tan Bobobie-- I really hope it's a halfway-suitable match! Also, I've never seen a tan resin that was as nice & richly colored as Iplehouse uses, so if the tan Bobobie is even remotely compatible, let us know. Also-also, I have never seen a Soo Ri Girl before, but I confess I'm itching to. :love I think he'd be stunning as a tall mature woman, with that beautiful strong profile. *whee!* Please keep us posted!
    10. A girl?! I can't wait! She'll be the first SooRi girl I've heard of. Are you going to make her Indian? I think she'd look amazing with Indian influenced fashion!

      Boy/girl twins, that will be awesome!!!
    11. Yeah! :3nodding: I would like to see a She-Soo-Ri as Indian or else Native American. The nose is perfect. When I first took Ilya out of the box & put him in a long black wig, I swear, my automatic thought was, "Wow! I have a very butch Buffy Sainte-Marie! :aheartbea"
    12. [​IMG]

      It works, yes? :)
    13. :o *jaw drops, hits cat on way to the floor*
      That actually looks GREAT!!!
      Quick! Put her all together with wig and eyes n stuff! :dance
      This is exciting!!! :celebrate
    14. :D I was prepared!



      Here she is with Rekka.

      The color matches really well indoors, but you can see more difference in natural light. The dark tan Bobobie body is slightly more red whereas the head is more brown. It looks good to me!
    15. LOL! Rekka is not pleased. He now has Hotness competition! :)
      She's going to be FAB!!!
      I'm lovin' that wig.:3nodding:
      Looking really good in that second shot.
      Thanks!!! Now. Get busy with a face up and SPAM her!!! WOOT!
      This is awesome. *giggles like a loon* SO excited.
    16. Thekittybox, I would ask Iple for a new one if I got that :(
      When are you going to get a faceup?
    17. aernath, hehe, just a tad excited? XD She'll get a faceup this week and then I'll spam her. She looks amazingly well without one right now! She's been by my computer all evening, what a stunner!

      callum91, I just figured I'd find another solution once I saw the head. She'll get a faceup sometime this week.
    18. Ahh ok :) What will you do with the spare body?
    19. I love your female SooRi thekittybox!:D The tan dolls are so gorgeous. I do find it disturbing that the heads were so different, though. *_* You're a pretty good sport to come up with a solution like that. :)

      I'm kind of worried now, though. I have a Swan Lake Cocori on layaway and really wanted both heads for the same doll. Hopefully this much of a color difference isn't too common? :roll: Anyway, we really need to see more pics when you get her faceup done.:)
    20. Well, there's no spare body since SooRi came with a gentle head. The gentle head matches the IH body. :)

      Alayna, thank you! All I could do was cross my fingers that the resin would match.

      Fortunately I don't think such a difference happens often. If it does, IH would send you an email like they did for me.